Design a New Webkinz Pet!


We are excited to announce a new pet design contest! We would like you to design a new pet that will be sold by Ganz eStore starting on Webkinz Day – April 29, 2020!


Here’s how it works:


Between January 1 and 31, design a pet that you think would make a great addition to Webkinz World! It can be any kind of pet you like! You can use one of the templates provided below or you can create your own drawing. You can enter as many times as you like!


You can use any kind of art supplies that you want – markers, pencil crayons, crayons, or other art materials. While we will not accept images that have computer generated patterns or graphics copied and added to them, participants may use programs like Paint or Photoshop to color and draw freehand. We can’t accept submissions with company logos or sports team emblems. Please make sure you save your images as a jpg, gif, or png.


You don’t need to include a suggestion for the pet’s PSI and PSF but you can if you want!
Submit your drawing to the 2020 Pet Gallery in the Share Center by January 31, 2020.
Wait until February 7, 2020 to see if your design is one of the 10 finalists.


The winner will have their design turned into a real virtual pet in Webkinz World and they will receive a code for their pet when it is added to Webkinz World. They will also receive a 1 Month Deluxe Membership to Webkinz, a virtual Pet Design Trophy, and all ten finalists will each receive a 6 pack of 2020 Winterfest Cookies, courtesy of Ganz eStore.


Download generic template

Download dog template

Download cat template

Download horse template

Download bear template

Download dragon template



Good luck!


See full contest rules here.

329 Responses to Design a New Webkinz Pet!

  1. Morningdew12 says:

    Can we have more than 1 design?

  2. AnimalLoverVet says:

    I just entered 3 designs. They haven’t show up yet? I hope I am not too late. Good luck to everybody. I have seen a lot of good designs.


    Drawing new webkinz and seeing all the other awesome designs is a lot of fun. But i seem to have posted my designs to a different account, is there any way i can move them to my account or remove them from the other account? Thank you for any help

  4. AmericanCat_316 says:

    I think there should be an age limit for the “Design A 2020 Pet!” contest, because if you think about it, its actually really unfair to some kids that might be like, 5, or 7, or 10 that are in the contest, because they are up against older kids/ADULTS that may be lot more experienced (AND HAVE iPADS) than 5, or, 7, or 10 years old, or maybe even kindergarten! So for the next “Design A New Pet” I’d recommend to set an age limit, and make it to where the judges decide all of it, because people vote unfairly and make separate accounts to give themselves more votes (And they give everyone else a 1 to get their designs up top!).

    • flyinghorse3 says:

      I think it should be 20 and younger

    • AnimalLoverVet says:

      I agree 100% maybe different groups, 5-8 9-12 13-17 18+ something like that.

      • OakleyJerzy says:

        I wonder how many there would be in my age group, also I think that’s a good idea, but also, if they liked an idea and the drawing didn’t represent it well because it was drawn by a little kid, they would probably still consider the drawing and consider that a young person probably made it. :)

      • flyinghorse3 says:

        age limit I meant

    • dixieandi says:

      There shouldn’t be an age limit on creativity.

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      Submissions aren’t judged on artistic skill. We look at the idea. We have artists that can make anything look great :) And there’s no way we can enforce something like this without violating a whole bunch of privacy laws, so one contest for everyone is how it’s going to work.

    • LolliPup says:

      I disagree. It’s unfair to the so-called “more experienced people” because they’d getting punished for being good at creating designs. Also, iPads have nothing to do with it! It doesn’t matter how people make their designs, it’s the concept of the pet that matters. And voting unfairly – there’s nothing you can do about it. I hate it when people do that, but at the end of the day, you just have to realize that the votes don’t matter. (And they don’t. Designs aren’t picked that way, Ganz picks the finalists and has the final say in picking the winner) Just because younger kids enter doesn’t mean older kids/adults shouldn’t be allowed to because it’s ‘unfair’. That would be unfair to the older kids/adults! Plus, if you take a look at the original artwork for the Dino Dessert, that will prove that younger kids’ designs are still considered and picked. I apologize if I seem angry, because I really am not. I just have a strong opinion about this because I work extremely hard at these contests and I don’t want to end up excluded because my designs are digital, or something like that. Thanks for listening to my rant :) I apologize for making this so long. I understand where you’re coming from, I just wanted to share my opinion as well. I hope I didn’t seem rude at all :( Good luck with the contest!

      • AmericanCat_316 says:

        ….I’m one of the little kids, and I thought that they were based of of votes.. so to me it kind of seemed unfair because I’m a little kid that isn’t very good at artsy things. I love to draw though, but now I understand. I’m soooooo sorry if I caused a problem. I still like the idea of age categories so that kids like me can compete against other kids their age and big people can compete against other big people… that may be too hard for the Webkinz people to do that though.

    • g2u3c4c5i says:

      Just look at the older pet design finalists – there is clearly a mix of age groups selected. It would be a terrible idea to exclude people just because they are good at art! As for the ones voting 1 like crazy, well, the scores don’t count towards the results and it’s obvious who’s doing it if you look at the top rated and see multiple designs all by the same person… Shame that people do that.

  5. RubyRunes says:

    Entered 4 designs. Hoping for the best!

  6. Shaya says:

    im seeing so many cute designs! kind of sad that theres lots of ppl who downvote other designs to get theirs as top rated,, especially since the votes dont count, id like to see what ppl Actually think of my design :’) anyway good luck to you all heh

  7. NarnianHeart says:

    I submitted two drawings on January 14th, but they have not yet shown up in my Share Center. Is this a normal amount of time? Or do I need to resubmit them? (Sorry! I realize this has probably been asked a bunch… )

    • OakleyJerzy says:

      Mine took maybe 5-7 days this time… last contest it seemed like it took longer but I’m not 100 percent sure on that… I’d try submitting another one, and see if that one appears, if that appears and the others don’t then resubmit maybe? I’ve also seen some submitted twice, though, so that’s probably fine too. Whatever you want. :) Good luck!

    • flyinghorse3 says:

      yeah but that’s OK. sadly I don’t now the answer. SORRY! hop you find it sometime! – flyinghorse3. <3

    • dixieandi says:

      Try emailing GANZ.

  8. gummypandazwebkinz says:

    i left my drawing for the contest!!! hopefully i will win :) wish me luck!

  9. AmericanCat_316 says:

    whenever I vote, it never shows up. Do you not see your own votes or something? No matter how long I wait it never changes! And, quick question: Can you vote for your own design?

  10. PrincessEleanor says:

    I wish this design contest was a little more user-involved! I would love to be able to leave comments about people’s designs and see feedback on my own! I think it would be cool to leave it to the panel of judges to decide on the finalists then leave it to a vote by users for the winner. Plus I think it would let a design that people would want to buy a pet for win (which seems beneficial to them.) Even if my design doesn’t win, there are so many other awesome designs I would love to get a pet of! I just hope the judging panel isn’t biased based off type of pet or anything. Is there some kind of judging rubric that’s public that we could reference when comparing current/making new designs? Just so we can get an idea of what the judges are looking for!

    • RoseWolf15 says:

      I honestly feel like the judging is done at random. Most likely with some kind of drawing bot that picks from a set of numbers that they input into it. Which will draw a random number, and whichever number they have associated to a specific piece of art will most likely be deemed the winner. I could be wrong, this is just a theory.

      • Sally Webkinz says:

        It is not random. There isn’t anything in particular that we’re looking for, though obviously something that doesn’t exist already is kind of necessary :) We generally short list and then get feedback from everyone before selecting the winner.

        • PrincessEleanor says:

          Thanks so much for the reply!

          • flyinghorse3 says:

            PrincessEleaner are you a real princess in real life? it really doesn’t matter, just curious you don’t have to answer.

          • PrincessEleanor says:

            Lol I’m not! I babysit a little girl named Ellie and I helped her make her design come to life so I just posted a comment here. (She is also not a princess though haha, but she does love princesses!)

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