Important Newz about the Adventure Park

Hi everyone!

We’d like to clarify a few things regarding the new area of Webkinz World, Adventure Park.

The “Quick Quests” (Daily Quests) are being released in 2 weeks on August 31st, 2011. At that point you’ll be able to come back every day and play new quests.

When you send out Mini-Quests within Adventure Park there’s a message that states you’re able to come back daily to send more. This message is currently incorrect.

When you adopt an Adventure Park Series Pet, you get one Mini-Quest to send to another Webkinz player with an Adventure Park Series Pet (we call this an Adventure Friend).

When your Adventure Friend completes the Mini-Quest, you’ll both receive a prize.

As it is stated in the Adventure Park, if you decided to claim your prize within a quest, you won’t be able to come back to use any extra digs. If anyone sends you a Mini-Quest, you’ll be able to use your extra digs.

When the “Quick Quests” are released (August 31st, 2011), you’ll be able to use your extra digs if you have already completed the Pet Specific Quests.

We apologize for the inconvenience and confusion.

88 Responses to Important Newz about the Adventure Park

  1. littleana1 says:

    yay thats a good thing to know :D

  2. Golden Soul says:

    Well this a relief to me I got a spotted leopard today and I already finished the quest so it’s good news for me to hear that I will be able to do more quests as of August 31 yay! Anyway I’m glad that I’ll be able to do more quest with my leopard thank goodness for quick quests! By the way I’m sorry that some of you cannot get anymore pets but please stop posting comments that say bad things about the adventure park because the people at ganz may stop making new things altogether because the think that most people cannot participate which is not true also because the people that can have these pets do not want to read all these upsetting comments. So STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT THINGS YOU CANNOT HAVE it is annoying and bothers many other people who do get to have these pets. Also BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE some kids are not allowed to even have one webkinz at all. Plese stop posing sad depressing comments!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks,
    Golden Soul P>S> GOlden Soul is not my user name for real but it may be someone eleses and if you all send friend request they may get upset because mmany people would be asking to be their friend which is good but if their computer lags like mine does they may get stuck loading every time they log in so please do notsend friend requests to Golden Soul Thanks

  3. Donna says:

    Adding the Advenure Park doesn’t deprive anyone of anything.
    Being able to access and enjoy WW all day, every day, forever is AWESOME.
    I sincerely hope Ganz prospers as a company.
    THANKS, Ganz!

  4. SolarSpeed says:

    I wish somebody would send me a mini quest!

  5. CocoaBunny says:

    What about all of us that already have the pets? I have 2 of 6 and I don’t want to spend my money on duplicates. Can’t u guys come up with new ones? Then some people would be happier to buy an extra pet, like the Mazin Hampster or a Zumbuddy.

    -Cocoa Bunny

  6. kittyfriend says:

    ok, i looked at the list and i have the spotted leopard, so will i be able to do the things you can do if you have one of them, or because i didn’t add it to my account after this came out will it not work?

  7. xacc1 says:

    So we have to wait until August 31,to do a “Quick Quest”?!?!

  8. hamadict says:

    Do lil’ kinz versions of the pets say the koala count as adventure pets or do they hav to be full size

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