January’s Featured Pets

105 Responses to January’s Featured Pets

  1. JoSieEmmy says:

    I REALLY want that panda but how can we get it if they aren’t shipping plush? Is there another site we order them from? Sorry if that’s a dumb question but I’m new to Webkinz! I only have 2 and would love to get more but they’re not easy to find where I live.

  2. TwinnDoll says:

    I love all these pets, they are very cute.

  3. tinygma says:

    I just got 2 pets Harmony Pup I am putting her in a Halloween room with Witch Hazel they will both have FLOATING pillows to play on. I also got a Misty Puppy . This pet will room with the NEW BEAR son to be out. Misty brings a HIGH CHAIR for lil pets room . I have 1 of the Dark Pine bear beds for in front of the fire place . I used WEBKINZ to help design my kitchen when it was new 10 years ago . I was told I would hate a sink in a dark corner. I put a latge counter in front of the window to make large dinners on. My sink is only to rinse dishes in. New dishwasher is next to it SO I seldom use the sink . Mostly for bathing my puppy ROSE and pussy cats . Rose keeps them in line . She is the “Hall Monitor “.

  4. MonkeyHeart173 says:

    The ragdoll cat is cute but I like my signature ragdoll cat better. :D I wish they still made signature pets. :( All of my favorite pets seem to be signature pets or signature endangered pets. And can you pretty pretty pretty please please pleeeeeeasssse put the signature endangered jaguar in the estore some day? I neeeeeeeed it! :D

    • tinygma says:

      I looked at Amazon for the Jaguar WOW what a price !! Yes it is pretty maybe Webkinz will bring a virtual . I am hopeing for 3 pets Gold Wing Tiger , Pomeranian and the Sun Dragon . Pomeraniam is CRAZY HIGH price on Amazon but my sweet Rose is a black pomeranian peek a neese with a Star of David on her chest . I got the Hare signature but I didn’t get any fancy wall paper or anything . I was looking forwards to getting it . Oh well hang in there . Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year to YOU and ALL and ALL WHO YOU LOVE and Who LOVE YOU !!

    • MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

      You can get a cheap one under 40 dollars on eBay.

    • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

      I wish they could too, MonkeyHeart! But they don’t produce them anymore. They’re no longer working with the people that made them for them anymore, so they couldn’t put the plush there. Unless you mean the virtual. That would be easy, but they would probably make it expensive since it’s expensive for the plush and tag anywhere else.

  5. Resonatingthunder says:

    OMG. I love that CAT! I’m curious what it looks like in virtual too!!

  6. 1Emerald1 says:

    Is there any idea when the estore will be able to ship plush again? If not, how do we buy them?

    • Hyperborea2 says:

      Exactly. I am also greatly dependent on the free shipping deal, too; I can’t manage to order otherwise, so because of the way that played out, I lost out on my January elephant and have no idea when I will get another chance — because, well, I also spent that money because I was never even NOTIFIED about the cancellation and life happened (and only found out by accident right before Christmas the order had been cancelled.) Ugh. The free shipping offer is a very narrow window and only applies to the newest releases, which prohibits me from trying again later, especially since the pet prices were jacked up, too. (I’m also seriously devastated that panda was not actually a Valentine Guinea Pig. That would have been so epic.)

      • GoGanz24 says:

        The free shipping offer wasn’t a “narrow window”; it was fifteen days long. That was half of the month. Also, your whole order ships free as long as you have a new-release included, so you can add other plush pets in there as well.

    • MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

      Hi, Emerald1!(Lol, there’s another user who has the username called “EmeraldCIt” and I call her Emerald) That will probably be fixed in 2018.

  7. IndigoZap says:


  8. kkofoed says:

    Cute! Will we still be able to buy these pets at the beginning of the month since the estore still says they can’t ship out any plush pets?

    • MaliceLaStrange says:

      Do you know why it says that?? Im glad im not the only one who saw that! I’ve been trying to buy one for the past couple a days and it keeps saying that ): I was worried for the new pets too

    • MonkeyHeart173 says:

      They stopped shipping pets out because December is a very bad month to ship packages, what with all the Christmas gifts getting mailed out. They will probably begin shipping plushies again very soon. :D

      • dixiecup says:

        I don’t think that’s the issue at all. They may be forced to revise a bit, the prices may have to get bumped up. Even at small business rates, an expedited parcel (flat rate for 500 gm, small parcel, regional) is 13.34 and that’s without the fuel surcharges, insurance and taxes. The further away from the warehouse, the more expensive it becomes. This means that they aren’t making any money on the plush pets at all!

  9. Pamela8163 says:

    I love Webkinz world I wish you can adopted free webkinz on webkinz world

    • dixiecup says:

      Pamela, they will be having their ‘name me’ contests, soon. Be sure to enter for both pets. Your chances are pretty good because it is a random draw, not based on the best or anything like that. Make sure you answer the skill testing question first. (Hint: multiply first, then do addition and subtraction). GOOD LUCK.

  10. bubbashuka says:

    I thought I would love the panda, since it was a PANDA, (Which, as most of you probably know, is my favorite animal) but I’m not a big fan of it. The rag doll cat is pretty cute, though! :D

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