January’s Featured Pets

105 Responses to January’s Featured Pets

  1. fuzzbuckle says:

    Treasure hunting is tough when it doesnt work

  2. Gramkins says:

    The Panda looks so sad ! Why do you keep making such sad pets?

  3. cat2f says:

    Where are the unboxing videos?

  4. BH1464 says:

    Sally Webkinz (or other Webkinz Staff Member) Please Help! The Treasure Hunt clue that asks you to find the where the January pets are featured is not linked to this page. Therefore the Treasure Hunt can not be completed for the 50 KC reward. Please correct this over site so we can collect our prize. Thanks.

  5. PrincessShrek says:

    I really want the ragdoll! But sadly, the Estore is not selling/shipping out plush toys. May I ask when they will be selling the plushes again?

    • Wizardsroost says:

      Yeah. I can’t get plush unless I can order from the eStore at the very beginning of each month. So, two month running, my chance of getting some I really wanted have been crushed. Hope this is fixed soon. Be nice if they’d tell us something, give up some idea of what is going on. I swear, sometimes ganz is so closed-mouthed about everything it’s worse than trying to get intel on Willie Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.

  6. Davids1lilpixie says:

    I’d love to get the ragdoll Webkinz but with concern and curiosity I must ask, when will the Estore be selling and shipping the plush toys again? Considering right not they’re not doing either. :-(

  7. tema says:

    treasure hunt for january does not work!

  8. Elessar says:

    That Ragdoll Cat is simply darling!! :-))

  9. FreeBird says:

    It was the Ragdoll! Love it!

  10. saveraedae says:

    These pets are all adorable. Sadly, I don’t think I’ll be able to pick up any of them, as they do not sell Webkinz where I live and haven’t for quite awhile.

    • TropicalGirl says:

      You can buy them from the eStore, and they often have free shipping for a week or so. Good luck!

      • babyssss says:

        I just adopted the present that my granddaughter gave me! She gave me the Reindeer Calf!!! She wanted me to have the same pet that Santa gave her! I can’t believe that there is not a bed to buy for her to sleep in!!!! My granddaughter named mine Jingle Bell. How cute was that ? She also named hers Jingle Bell! I just wanted to let my friends know that I got a new pet which now totals 166 pets!!!!! Have a wonderful 2018.

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