Mazin’ 101

What’s YOUR favorite part of Mazin’ Run?

Mazin’ Run is a 3D maze running game in Webkinz Next, inspired by Mazin’ Hamsters.

Navigate your pet through the maze, collecting coins along the way, and reach the finish line before you run out of time.

Complete all ten levels of Easy or Medium difficulty and earn a trophy.


Complete all ten levels of Hard and win a rolling bubble for your pet, just like in the game!

We love Mazin’ Run for its challenging courses, relaxing music and gorgeous scenery. What is YOUR favorite thing about Mazin’ Run?



Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



55 Responses to Mazin’ 101

  1. LegoFan27 says:

    WIsh the up arrow could be jump instead of / in addition to spacebar

  2. cr2w says:

    Can only play briefly due to motion issues – get nauseous. But it’s not the only game that gives me the same issue.

    • netge says:

      I have the same problem, makes me really nauseous quickly.

      • booreeves says:

        Hey I’m with you guys because there’s some games make me nauseas too.

        • booreeves says:

          It’s because I might have I can tell you the games that makes me Motion sickness and they’re The glide,, the rocket and there was a game that has plants spinning but I can’t remember the game called but you guys might know what it is so please tell me what it is and one more game I can’t do is the Cake Cook off. Those are the games that makes me nauseas and one more thing The Merry Go Round in Kinzville really makes me nauseas, but we are not the only ones that we get nauseas because there’s alot more people get nauseas and I remember last year and there was alot of people getting nauseas or sick from the ghost on Halloween . So yeah we are not the only ones that get Motion sickness.

  3. grandmaback says:

    I don’t play games unless I need to for a challenge or money. Mazing hamsters is not one of my “fun” games. When do you find time to look at the scenery? I keep the sound off since it distracts me. It’s not a bad game, just not one of my favorites. I do really appreciate the (how to play hints) for all the games. I would never figure them out on my own. (-: I’ve almost mastered the trampoline.

  4. catgirl3004 says:

    Are the trophies new? I completed all ten levels of easy and definitely didn’t get a trophy ^^’

  5. kaye10 says:

    oh my…finding myself drawn to comment…while i have been drawn to exerting myself to victory on many webkinz games (i.e. for trophy or other prize), one part of this hamster game eludes me: [dramatic background music] getting onto and off the trampoline! i use the arrow keys on my computer. any/all pointers & advice welcome, please. no detail is too small to share; again, please [HELP ME! lol] …thanks & best, k.

    • sally says:

      So, make sure you’re using S and D to lean left and right when you use the trampoline — it’s almost impossible to use the left and right arrows without careening off into space. You can keep S or D held down, and then make sure you only hit the space to jump at the last second to make sure you can reach the other side.

      • kalcan8 says:

        Thanks! I struggle with the trampoline too. I have managed to jump onto it, but as it is offset to the left, I then need to jump back to the right to land on the course again on the other side. I haven’t figured out how to do that yet. Sally, are you physically holding down the “s” key or the “d” key, or are you using the mouse to click those directions on the screen? So far, I have been navigating the first 6 levels with the arrows and space bar. I think I need someone to physically show me how to conquer the trampoline so I can get past level 7. I will check with my family members to see if any of them can give me a lesson.

        • sally says:

          I hold down the keys on the keyboard. And I don’t let them go until I reach the other side — you don’t have to land in the middle. So if it’s on the left, I keep the S key down, wait until the last second to hit the spacebar, and only let go of S when I land on the other side.

        • booreeves says:

          I got past level seven for me I get to the edge of the path and jump but I jump on the edge off on the Trampoline, but if there’s a obstacle in your way I’ll always lean and when you get closer to jump I stopped leaning and I jump on the edge of the Trampoline

  6. annm2990 says:

    Gotta say my “favorite part” of mazin run is when I play the first level over and over and never get any better at all because it is so hard. Each time, I play for like 30 seconds and usually can’t get the controls to work, and then I earn like 1 dollar of kinzcash. Yeah… good times!

    • sally says:

      I had a lot of trouble in the beginning because I kept wanting to keep the arrows depressed. When I stopped pushing as many buttons, it got a lot easier! Your pet always moves forward — only tap the arrows when you need to change directions, don’t hold them down. I also didn’t use the lean keys (S and D) at first, which made it really awkward to avoid obstacles.

  7. Eilish says:

    I don’t play this unless it’s requested by pets. I just allow the ball to roll off until time is up. Not my game.

  8. rachelgirl192 says:

    I also find it hard, especially the trampoline and when the gun shot comes.

    • booreeves says:

      Yeah I agree with you on that because after the gun shoots the purple thing and the purple things hits you off the path after I turn and sometimes when I turn I still get hit by the purple thing and it does something weird like the hamster ball shake so fast when you turning

  9. KoriDragon68 says:

    The jumps for the trampoline are way too difficult to make, and I kept glitching when i’d make a turn while leaning, my character would get stuck going in both directions till I pressed E for a U-turn. But after a bit more practice I managed to win the Mazin’ Ball prize!

  10. Bedford says:

    This game is sooooo hard

    • acantara says:

      I agree. It may be easier for people who have gaming mouses and keyboards, but I can barely get past the first level.

      • crystalfawns53 says:

        I agree. When it comes to playing this game on mobile vs using a computer with a mouse, it’s much easier to use a mouse and a computer. I usually use a mouse to click on the controls on the screen so I know for certain what I am clicking on, but I use the spacebar on my computer to jump. I hope this helps.

        • booreeves says:

          Well I don’t have a keyboard or a mouse, but I use a styles and I beat 2 levels so far, but the hard level is really hard for me to beat, but my best friend told me on the Hard level has 11 in it And you guys might know my best friend and she can maybe help you and her Username is JadeSweetSummer, but only call her Blossom and don’t call her Jade and she doesn’t like to be called Jade.

    • Eilish says:

      I have to pass on every game requiring two hands. That includes the new pinball game.

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