New Exclusive Item!


There’s a new Exclusive Item available at the Wish Factory and in additional pet adoption gifts!


The Big City Streetcar is a fun way for your pet to ride the rails and see the sights around any room! With the introduction of something new, we are also retiring an exclusive and reducing the Wish Token cost for a couple of others at the Wish Factory. The Neo Gothic Piano has now been retired, and the Snack Cart Stove along with the Circus Ball Trampoline will now cost fewer tokens at the Wish Factory!

Want to see all of our available Exclusive Items and learn more about how to get them? Check out our gallery showcase here.


136 Responses to New Exclusive Item!

  1. papad5151 says:

    i am looking for a neo gothic piano as well I am willing to trade 2 rare items or a rare item and a 1000 kin cash coin if you have this item please add me as a friend and I will trade papad5151

  2. sophs says:

    whoever wants to trade with me tonight its fine. btw if u see a bengal tiger named ryan and check the webkinz in room button and u see Wel, thats definetly. i’ll trade u TWO neo gothic pianos for scuba. one for a psi :D

  3. 1rainbow5678 says:

    i just have sent that to a friend

  4. SmoresOfScotland says:

    I like it! It’s like a trolley! I also have the piano, thankfully. I’m gonna get that car! Clang, clang, clang went the trolley, ding, ding, ding went the bell… I watch a lot of old musicals. It’s really a song.

  5. 5631 says:

    i have 2 Neo Gothic Pianos, i got one from my yorkie dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Exora says:

    love the streetcar! gotta add it to my collection!

  7. AvzoraGW says:

    i wish we could make a really big outside yard, maybe 20×20. my one pet has quite a collection of ride-on toys and he’s also collecting street tiles to make a raceway, but the 10×10 yard is really too small for it. i love webkinz! plz friend me: Avzora.

  8. gaberdoodle1234 says:

    I’m sorry but i’m upset.. You never give us any notice and it’s now very upsetting.. You just came out with the piano not too long ago and from what i’m reading it was a favorite. Why can’t you give us a heads up so we can grab the item BEFORE you retire it.. I’ve been a member for at least 5+years and i’m very very UPSET!!!!

  9. rock33 says:

    I love the big city streetcar.

  10. Trixiepinkie3 says:

    I have over 100 pets and tons of exclusive and rare stuff I want to trade. I also want the Neo Gothic Piano please I’m Trixiepinkie3 thanks but respond here 1st so I know

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