Podkinz Ep 157: New Prizes and Tea Set Giveaway!


We return to the full Podkinz format this episode! Mandy and Michael check their KinzPost and sneak peek some upcoming prizes. They also let us know which prizes are retiring on June 2, so there’s still time to get them before they’re gone! Make sure you watch the whole episode because at the end, they give away a free code for a Friendly Froggy Tea Set!



Miss the last episode of Podkinz? CLICK HERE to watch it now!


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Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email your ideas to podkinz@ganz.com. Who knows, you may hear Mandy & Michael read your email on their next Podkinz episode… and if they do, they’ll email you a code for a special gift!



76 Responses to Podkinz Ep 157: New Prizes and Tea Set Giveaway!

  1. ultrasonic3 says:

    I am so disappointed! I just emptied my moonberry jar not long ago so I have 94 more berries to fill it. I haven’t been playing long and never had a chance to get the moonberry pantry. I hope it will be a prize in the near future!! UN ultrasonic3

  2. nanamama12 says:

    Thanks for the heads up on the retired items….but now I have to get these before the new pet buddies! You’re killing me here Smalls!!!!

  3. outgoinglyshy says:

    Thank you for the tea set. :)

  4. megamom12 says:

    Isla, you are a genius and I now want that pet to be a thing now, plus I would LOVE to have some of your dye for the next DIY event! I can just imagine how a window, chair and or rug would look in say….the Starry room! ✨

  5. megamom12 says:

    seratonin74, I know that it doesn’t display them, but there are some sinks that have a cupboard space under them that can hold up to 4 cookbooks. Just FYI.

  6. megamom12 says:

    What a nice heart that tcnpe has! Like they said, you can mail up to 3 items to your friends each day. One of my friends spoils me and sends me seeds! Thank you Mamakinz10!!!! I like to make food and clothing items for my friends as well. Also keep in mind that the Bake Sale items are also send able so if you have extras of those your friends might need them. I’m always running out of one item or another! (rice squares and brownies at the moment!) I’ve been making the Academy Cafeteria Tables and Benches for my new Recipe Kitchen (idea from one of the players, thank you luv) and also for my expanded Arcade as I now have a separate room for the ticket windows and so I’m making a food area for meals and parties. I also have my extra Moon Pie dispenser that was a gift from a friend and the 1 Lemon Fizz fridge that I won last time!

  7. DJ747 says:

    I love the full podkinz! Thank you for telling us which items will retire!

  8. Morninglight says:

    Great Podkinz It just takes me three times around to have enought to buy at the mall and the Berries I play every day but it takes along time to fill up the purple berries so I dont have the retired items

  9. mamasbaby07 says:

    Always a wonderful Podkinz with so much great info… Thank you so much and a special thank you for the tea set AWESOME !!!

  10. mabel3 says:

    I love the idea of a cookbook shelf that could go into a kitchen setting. I also love Isla’s Pink Space Dye–it would be great to see that in a future DIY event. Thanks for the tea set and another full length podkinz!

    • Katz1259 says:

      I was thinking about a bookshelf for my kitchen just the other day when I had to go and buy another small table to put my last cookbook on instead of just putting it on the floor. It would be great instead of just having it as a storage unit, to actually be able to put them on the shelf ourselves and they show there, all lined up. I also love the pink dye with the stars!! And that tea set is sooo cute!

    • mochidochi says:

      mabel3 did you see the post saying that some sinks will hold 4 cookbooks? They don’t display, but they’d be handy to keep next to the stove, right?

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