Podkinz Ep 157: New Prizes and Tea Set Giveaway!


We return to the full Podkinz format this episode! Mandy and Michael check their KinzPost and sneak peek some upcoming prizes. They also let us know which prizes are retiring on June 2, so there’s still time to get them before they’re gone! Make sure you watch the whole episode because at the end, they give away a free code for a Friendly Froggy Tea Set!



Miss the last episode of Podkinz? CLICK HERE to watch it now!


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Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email your ideas to podkinz@ganz.com. Who knows, you may hear Mandy & Michael read your email on their next Podkinz episode… and if they do, they’ll email you a code for a special gift!



76 Responses to Podkinz Ep 157: New Prizes and Tea Set Giveaway!

  1. sparkles1117 says:

    Thank you so much for the cute tea set. Great Podkinz.

  2. frozenanna2 says:

    Omg, I wanted this Tea Set for Louella’s Room, my Holstein Cow!! Tysm team!!

  3. ImaPepper says:

    Love the tea set, thank you! I love the new prizes, it’ll be fun to collect them; just wish I could get the two that are retiring! It takes so LONG to win enough moonberries to fill up the jar. Thanks for the heads-up, though; I’m going to check my dock for hidden berries, lol. Thanks for another fun Podkinz!

  4. cowtown2 says:

    so sorry for my spelling and stuff, keyboard is on its last keys, thanks so much i forgot love the tea set the frogs so cute, and sorry name Mandy i love you all.

  5. cottencandyminion says:

    Thank you for another awesome Podkinz! Also thank you very much for the adorable tea set! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. babytwinkleavfk says:

    I can’t wait for the new Jumbleberry Fields and Spree! Mall prizes!! I almost have my Jumbleberry jar filled, so i’ll wait and get my prize when the new ones are in. I also really liked the froggy tea set! It’s super cute in my Friendly Froggy Cottage.

  7. mannm9 says:

    Love the new Jumbleberry prizes but wish there was a faster way to fill the jars. I won’t have enough to get the moonbery pantry

    • gingerdare says:

      Same. I usually only get one moonberry prize a year.

    • Katz1259 says:

      I was fortunate enough to purchase the Jumbleberry Fields seed packets a few years ago and that does help some. If you are looking for the prizes you may want to try the trading rooms. I know that some of us picked up what we could. But keep in mind their value just went up because it is now a retired item. Always trade fairly …. on both sides.

  8. sosotto says:

    Thank you for the tea set it’s so cute!❤️❤️

  9. Katz1259 says:

    Okay I had to pause my podcast after the 2nd letter because I just couldn’t wait to comment! What an awesome idea tcnpe!!! I send out 3 foods to my friend’s list almost every day and I think people are sick of getting my food. I was thinking …. what about a food bank ?? That way we could donate our extra food and people could go and pick up say 5 or 10 items per day for free. And it could show how many items are available and maybe even have a way to see what items people are looking for. I have hundreds and hundreds of foods from seeds and dispensers. And on that topic, someone wrote you a couple of years ago about being able to sell our items more than one at a time. Like when I am looking at my strawberries and I have over 400 of them , it is very discouraging to know I have to drag them one by one to sell them and then wait for the program to catch up and actually sell them and then refresh my overloaded dock!! If I could type in to sell 350 at a time that would be amazing!! You said you were working on something like that Michael Webkinz …is it still in the works? or have you given up? And multiple selling would work at the food bank with multiple donating rather than donating one at a time too!! I hope you will take my suggestion seriously!!

  10. Deanna1 says:

    i love the new podcast, but your memory is short, the Mermazing bookshelf is great!

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