Safe Trading – An Important Notice

As a Webkinz collector, you work hard for your rare Webkinz items, whether they are exclusive items, event prizes or your pets’ PSIs. For this reason, it is very important that if you engage in trading these valued items, that you do so safely.


Recently, we are getting more and more reports of players trying to pull simple scams to trick players into trading their items for nothing in return. Let us be clear that such scams are not allowed and when caught, these players lose their access to KinzChat PLUS and may even lose their Webkinz account entirely.




SCAM 1: “I’ll send you eStore points for your item


No they won’t. They will just take your items and you’ll get nothing. Trading for eStore points is not supported by our trading system, and it is not allowed. Report any player making this kind of offer immediately.


SCAM 2: “I’ll send you a Pet Code for your PSI


No they won’t. It isn’t possible to send over a Pet Code anyway. And remember – Pet Codes are the keys to your account. If you use a Pet Code from someone you don’t know, they can use it to change your password and get into your account. Only ever use sealed Pet Codes, or codes directly ordered from the Ganz eStore. Report any player making this kind of offer immediately.


SCAM 3: “Give me your password and I’ll put a rare item on your account.


No they won’t. What they will do is steal all of your rare items. This is a very common scam on other sites, including YouTube as well. If any player asks you for your password, they want to take your things. Please don’t fall for this, even if there are comments that say “This really works!”




To best protect your account and your items, please always follow these three simple rules:


RULE 1: Only trade items using our trading tables. This is the only allowable method of trading in the game. This system is secure and requires a double confirmation so you have two opportunities to make sure that you’re making the deal you want. Any other trade in the game is at your own risk and is not recommended.


RULE 2: KinzPost Gifting is not for trading. Gifting is just that, for sending gifts. If you expect something in return, it isn’t gifting. Again, see Rule 1 – only trade at the trading tables.


RULE 3: Never, ever give anyone your password. Not your cousin, not your best friend, not your classmate. Anyone who you give your password to has full access to your account and can do whatever they want on your account, including trading your items, gifting your items, or selling your items. You are responsible for everything that happens on your account, so if you gave someone access to your account, we cannot fix it if they do something that you didn’t want.


The security of your account is extremely important to us. Please use this information to keep your account and items safe, and please share this article with all of your friends who play Webkinz. The more players that know, the safer Webkinz World will be.



231 Responses to Safe Trading – An Important Notice

  1. polkiiii says:

    Don’t be a scammer!

  2. atethecheese says:

    So true. People try to scam me. It’s funny to see them at it.

  3. alaska267 says:

    I shared my password with my cousin, but we promised to NEVER send each other’s items away. She and I are BFFs anyway. Anyway, she is completely trustworthy!

  4. kat6401 says:

    Thanks for that important info!

  5. Fracktail says:

    I think that in a situation when it’s obvious that they’re trying to scam you, then you should still report them. Even if they didn’t fool you, imagine all the other poor kids they might have tricked! If you know for a fact that they’re attempting to break the rules, you should definitely report them, because the people who don’t find out until long after might not be able to. That’s just my opinion. :)

    • prprprprp says:

      I agree, Fracktail, just be sure you were right, because you don’t want an innocent player being reported for no reason! :) There are lots of little kids on here, and once my little sibling seemed mean by accident on the computer, but she was trying to make people laugh by putting up sticking out tongue faces at them, serious faces, and then laughing, and sick faces. They thought it was funny, they did not mean to be rude, so just make sure that the person meant harm before you report someone. :) It could be an accident if they take off something you like, also. Just keep that in mind. :)

  6. arzi02 says:

    Y’know, people who do this are just too lazy to get their own rare items.

  7. etncpink says:

    Ganz, I gave my password to my bestie for one of my acounts so she can log on for me on special days that i am not there for. is this okay? if not, I will change my password immediately.

  8. roseycheeks2003 says:

    So glad this was and is refreshed i got ripped off before twice when i was new here the bye

  9. littledancer says:

    Thank you so much for reposting those! My little sister had an account called beemiller4 and someone hacked it! I’m so glad that you deal with those kind of cheaters!

    • etncpink says:

      Aw I feel sorry for your little sister! The other day i was on kc+, and someone said that it was possible that they could send their estore points to my webkinz estore points! i was like no you cant do that, they kept on trying to persuade me, so i left. is this possible to send estore points to your webkinz estore points Ganz?

  10. pupcowmom says:

    I would not give my password to anyone else, but I did give it to my mom so she could get prizes for me on Parent Club.

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