Thanksgiving Homepage Image Finalists Announced!

We are so excited to announce the 10 finalists in our Thanksgiving Homepage Image contest. As always, narrowing down the list was tough. We have such an amazing, creative community! Thank you to everyone who entered!


The winner will receive a 1 Year Deluxe Membership to Webkinz. Nine runners up will each receive a 1 Month Deluxe Membership. We will announce the winner on September 15, 2017.


While the final decision will be up to the creative team at Webkinz, we want your feedback to help us decide! Please tell what you think in the comments! In no particular order, here are the finalists:



Important: In order to reproduce it at a high quality on our site:

  • Winner MUST be able to provide us with a high quality scan of the original full size via email upon notification of winning. We cannot use the smaller sized upload version. If winner cannot supply us with a high quality scan, we will have to select another winner.


Webkinz Thanksgiving by MidnightFireflies17


Thanksgiving Homepage Submission by Furretts


Thankful for Pumpkins! by acoolaunt


Shared Feast by forestsprite


Friends Playing on Thanksgiving by cat2f


Forest Thanksgiving by Jrz2000


Flavours of fall by naudia


Feasting with the Zingoz and Zangoz by e3459d


A Friendly Feast by ashleypinkie


A Buggy Thanksgiving by monkeyfun15


118 Responses to Thanksgiving Homepage Image Finalists Announced!

  1. Catqueen2014 says:

    I really like A Forest Thanksgiving, Grateful for Pumpkins, and Flavors of Fall.

  2. FreeBird says:

    Those are all fabulous!

  3. forestsprite says:

    Ahhhhh so happy to be featured thank you! =D

  4. rounyisme says:

    Good job everyone! My absolute favorite is A Buggy Thanksgiving because it features different pets that don’t usually dominate the home page, and because it is clever and thoughtful. To me it shows that we ALL have things to be thankful for, even the smallest of us.

  5. StarBerryKitty says:

    I like the midnight feast one best!

  6. FoxesRule612 says:

    I can’t decide!!! These are all wonderful! =D

  7. moonkey1115 says:

    I am impressed by all of them, but A Buggy Thanksgiving blew me away. I love the use of the berries for the meal and how cute and small the scene looks compared to the tree. I can totally picture that one on the home page!

  8. ashleypinkie says:

    Thank you so much Ganz for picking me to be one of the finalists! Shout out to everyone else who participated- there was some real nice drawings that i voted for that didnt make it up here, sadly- but also good luck to my fellow competitiors! Everyone did a great job!

    • ashleypinkie says:

      Also, it was so crazy that I managed to get picked on my birthday! I didnt find out until the day after, but I also have to thank Ganz for one of the best birthday gifts EVER. I’m so grateful to have my artwork out there !

      • monkeyfun15 says:

        Happy Birthday ashleypinkie!!! …Well I guess a few days after your birthday, but Happy Birthday anyhow!!! :D

      • julieshine says:

        happy late birthday ! i thought yours was the nicest because u used a fox (so cute!) and it even had its signature dish! also the sky and trees were beautiful and i liked the red birds hat. good luck!

        • ashleypinkie says:

          The “red bird” was actually one of my own Webkinz that I managed to put in the picture (It’s actually called a Cardinal). I’m glad you liked Frankie’s hat!

  9. SprinklesTheFox says:

    Congrats to all the winners! My favorite is Friends Playing on Thanksgiving by Cat2f, but all of them are awesome! I’ve seen some post on which picture they like the best but water colors or really cool computer art, and everyone spent a lot of work on their picture, so please vote on which picture u like the best not the quality of the picture. And again congrats to all the finalists! They are all so cute! This is going to be a hard decision…

  10. BH1464 says:

    These are all really great! I don’t think I could even begin to choose just 1 as my absolute favorite. I really like all of them. Great job finalists!

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