When players log in to Webkinz World on Valentine’s Day, they will receive a special gift that they’re sure to love! Here’s a look back to show all of the beautiful gifts that were given out to players over the years, along with the gift boxes they used to arrive in!
You may also notice a sneak peak of the angelic addition for this year—a set of Cupid’s Wings!
Make sure you log in on Friday, February 14th to get your own wonderful set of wings this Valentine’s Day!
what?! i didn’t get any of those before! i guess valentines isn’t for me :(
does anyone have cupids wings they will gift/trade me? my webkinz username is feetfop, and i will give you valued sparkle plant for it!
Someone gave me the 2010 lollipop! I have cupid wings 2014.
does anyone have an extra i heart headband? i missed that one last year and i want it so badly! if you send it to me, i promise i will send you back some great things in return! my username is gardenkitten, i have tons of exclusives and other rare things i can send back! thanks so much to anyone who can help me!
I wish I was on webkinz in 2009 cause I want the bear :(
I logged on but I didn’t get a box. Did this happen to anyone else?
yes it happen to me for awhile i didn’t get any of those boxes :(
I miss the actual gift box. I was disappointed that I didn’t have an actual gift to open. I missed it last year. I guess 2012 was the last one?
Good 2 know! I wish we got some more prizes this year…
Hey guys! Does anyone want a gift? Add me, And ill send ya something! Its FUN being nice :D Im atheneaprinces6, Yes, I played since i was six, And im 12 almost thirteen :)
I really miss getting our gifts in a gift box! I think they were as exciting to look forward to as the gifts inside them! I hope we will receive actual gift boxes again….they’re beautiful!