Webkinz Close Up: Classroom Boards!


Sometimes it can be difficult reading the board in class, and that’s especially true when you’re decorating your pet’s room to turn it into a classroom.


Here’s a special close up / front view look at the various classroom blackboards, chalkboards and whiteboards that you’ll find in Webkinz World:



Classroom Chalkboard




Class Act Chalkboard




Classroom Whiteboard




Formula Blackboard




School Whiteboard




Tricky Magical Blackboard





What’s your favorite part about going back to school? Let us know in the comments below!


42 Responses to Webkinz Close Up: Classroom Boards!

  1. Itswebkinztime says:

    I can relate to this! I have bad eyes even with glasses, and I do have problems reading the board at school if I’m in the back of the room.

  2. megamom12 says:

    I like the Formula Chalkboard.

  3. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    Wow, this is so cool! I’m also having trouble with the TVs….

  4. mar1ed2 says:

    i ike them all but my favorite is the class act boards.

  5. taydarsauce says:

    The Tricky Magical Blackboard doesn’t work in-game as of yet. My poor ratty baby can’t have his item. : (

  6. FoxesRule612 says:

    This is unrelated, but can you pleeeaaase bring back the Enchanted Tree from GanzWorld Rewards?? I’ve been saving up my Moneyz for a while and just managed to get enough today, but now it’s gone! :c

    • obvsaprincess says:

      I have a question about the Moneyz prizes as well! I have been saving up for the princess bouncy castle, which is listed under the Webkinz world prizes, but the logo on the bouncy castle itself is the “AW” for Amazing World. I don’t play Amazing World so I would be disappointed if I bought it and it turned out to not be a Webkinz item! Can someone help me out? Sally Webkinz?

    • cowtown2 says:

      The same thing happens to me thought I was the only one I think items are two expensive when you want at least one of each but they did bring back the bookshelf I needed so much to try to buy. So maybe it will be back do like me save and play and ask webkinz to help us we need more than 500 a day really we do.

  7. bubbashuka says:

    This is super cool!

  8. TabbyStar95 says:

    1988 is the answer at the bottom of the Classroom Chalkboard. :)

  9. Ttgbird14 says:

    I love the one about “I promise to do my homework”!:) thanks ganz, I’ve always wondered what they all said.

  10. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Wow, the ones at the top of the article are actually helpful! XD Cause, I mean, I forget Roman numerals sometimes. I’ve certainly forgotten “C” and “M” and I often forget what “L” is. But yeah, these are some really fun and cool school boards! ^-^ My answer to your question is that I love being with my friends! I’d missed seeing them a lot in summer and with school I get to see them every week. =]

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