Webkinz Tips and Tricks: Growing Gardens!


In this edition of Webkinz Tips and Tricks, we will be looking at a great way for earning KinzCash: harvesting farm fresh food from your Growing Gardens!


You can find the “Seeds” section in the WShop’s “Fun Stuff” category. Once you buy seeds, you can drag them from your Dock into any outdoor or treetop room to plant them. Different plants grow at different speeds, so each day you should tend to you plants by clicking on them. If your plant has developed weeds, it will no longer continue to grow, and if the weeds are not removed using the rake, the plant will eventually die and need to be dug under to start growing again. Watering plants each day will reduce the chance that a plant will get weeds.


Once a plant is fully ripe you can harvest it. Some plants like pumpkins will only yield one piece of food each time you harvest it, while other plants like tomatoes can yield as many as 5 items in a single harvest! And once you’ve harvested a plant, it is recycled and begins the growing cycle again!


Harvested food can be sold back to the WShop, and there is no limit to the number of times that a plant can go through the growth cycle. So as long as you visit each day and tend to your growing gardens, the more you plant, the more KinzCash you can make!


How many gardens do you have? And what other “Webkinz Tips and Tricks” would you like to learn? Let us know in the comments below.


You can read the previous “Webkinz Tips and Tricks” article here.


192 Responses to Webkinz Tips and Tricks: Growing Gardens!

  1. Powerpuffgirlsforever says:

    I luv webkinz I’ve been playing since I was 7 1/2!

  2. cheyabella says:

    hmm i know how about BJ’s special item

  3. littleheartbigbark says:

    Awesome! I’ll try it!

  4. sparkledream7644 says:

    I love gardening. It saves me money so I don’t have to buy food for my pet!

    • hipster9 says:

      Ya but there is only one problem. The seeds cost money to so yeah, anytime you want food you have to pay.

      • theacate says:

        Since you don’t have to rebuy the seeds once they are planted and harvested, it does save money on food for the pets. Most people sell any excess they accumulate after awhile so they earn kinzcash that way.

        • gmoss2 says:

          Once you bout however many of that plant to put in your room, you never have to buy any more seeds. Once one plant is ready to be harvested, the game will automatically start the growth cycle for another plant. This is a great way to save KinzCash and not spend 500 KC on food. This will also develop responsibility and you can EARN KC from planting crops by selling your harvested crops at the W-Shop. -gmoss2

    • nonopuppy123 says:

      I have 300 farm fresh corn lol

      • snow5446 says:

        O my G O S H!!!! I have 0!!!! farm fresh corn!!!! I love to garden but I do not go on webkinz that much any more. You get SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much money when you sell farm fresh food!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE gardening!!! Thank you webkinz and Ganz!!!!!

    • everyis2 says:

      i do gardening but i forget to water for a week or two lol but tho it saves you lots of kinz cash

    • candyissoawesome says:

      the problem for me is that I keep forgetting to water and stuff so all my plants die!!!

      • corinne29 says:

        I know right?! Though your lucky if you get a plant that doesn’t need water every day I now get a lot of those instead of what I used to get. So I’m gonna guess your level goes up after a while of planting crops but then again I really never plant anymore so It depends.

  5. Valntom says:

    How about letting us use a “Quantity” button to chose how much of the fruits or veggies we’d like to sell back to the w-shop at one time. It would be so much easier and less of a headache when making those items more profitable.

  6. DworkinBarimen says:

    This is VERY VERY important. It is possible to completely fill your room with plants to grow, because when you stand in the doorway you can click on the closest plant and go into the gardening menu. That maximizes the amount you can earn, but DO NOT DO THIS!! If you have a room without several free spaces, sometimes when you adopt a pet the game will try to put it into that room. That will freeze the program, so you cannot access either that pet, or the entire room. The only way to fix this is to contact Customer Support, and they take some of your plants out of the room. If you leave one space and adopt one pet, you’re OK. But if you only have one space and adopt several pets in a row, without going to play with each one after you adopt it, the same thing can happen, only with multiple pets stuck. So, to reiterate, ALWAYS leave some free space in a garden room so newly adopted pets don’t get stuck.

  7. TweeDL says:

    what will happen too my garden if i can’t tend it for one day? what happens if i’m away longer than that? also, are there any special recipes that require farm fresh food? that would be cool and would make good gifts for my friends. thx, Ganz!

    • momcat says:

      You’re fine for a day – you may come back to more weeds. I think it takes 3-4 days of a plant being ready to harvest or needing weeds before it dies, and then you just dig it under. I’ve been gone for a week, and come back to some dead plants, and some fine.

    • cutiepiethefirst64 says:

      relax, the worst that could probably happen is that you need to weed it the next day.

  8. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Lol I just have my little garden in the corner of my yard =p

  9. markg97 says:

    I have 3 garden rooms, 2 are mixed (all types of seeds/plants) and the last one is the “Strawberry Fields Forever” (you can guess whats growing in that one). And I thought the reason why I have to water everyday, is that it keeps the harvest (of all plants) growing at the same time. Anyway Thanks Ganz

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