Vote for the Next Room Theme!

It’s time to vote for the next room theme you would like to see added to the WShop! We hope that you have looked over each concept drawing carefully (CLICK HERE to see them again) because once the winning theme has been decided, the concept drawing will be used as inspiration for the rest of the items that will be included in the theme.


Remember, you only have until midnight Sunday, June 15th  to vote. Once we announce the winner, keep visiting Webkinz Newz. We’ll be showing off concept drawings as the theme is being created allowing YOU to leave feedback and offer ideas as to what we should name each item! Hailey and Elwin, do you have anything else to add?


Hailey: “I can’t wait to see which one will win! Don’t forget that you can vote once a day and each time you vote, you’ll receive 50 KinzCash!”


Elwin: “Let the voting begin!”




193 Responses to Vote for the Next Room Theme!

  1. redgreen says:

    I chose Plaid cause it is original. I liked The sweets and treats one cause it was one of the old themes I came to webkinz with. I have mixed feelings for lemon drop because we have a fruit one but it looks great! I don’t like Toadstool cause it is kinda over rated. I do not like the Clothing store one cause I never cared to much for somethin’ like that.

  2. prprprprp says:

    Please! Everyone, vote for the Clothing Store room theme! Please

  3. fdnsuf says:

    I hope the plaid room theme wins. Because there isn’t much plaid furniture in webkinz world. It the plaid doesn’t win I hope the clothing store wins. But it looks like the winner is going to the toadstool :(

  4. kin2832 says:

    I really like the sweets and Treats room! I also wouldn’t mind if Sweet and Treats room, plaid room, clothing store room, and lemon drop win!!!:)

  5. fidmommy1 says:

    that is the idea to have fun creating something that we do not have in the real world like tiger lily pups and dragons animals that talk have fun

  6. fidmommy1 says:

    the toadstool theme additional furniture a mushroom footstool, moss carpet or rug that could change color by editing like you did with other rugs, wallpaper moss hanging with dart tree frogs here and there bigger toadstool for bed with canopy and netting I could really go with this theme yes toadstool

  7. girlie2431 says:

    today was my first day as a ganz member! I agree with everyone who picked toadstool. but very hard, I’ve only been on since november 2013. great pick for what to vote on! ganz/kinz thanks.

  8. Loganh2013 says:


  9. MyCatWhiskersRocks says:

    Deffo the Toadstool room theme.

  10. resolution22 says:

    I love the toadstool theme! I hope it’s an indoor room theme though.

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