Cuckoo Cat Clock

Home Forums Questions – Archives Cuckoo Cat Clock

This topic contains 260 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  dogfish 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #790814


    Hello, I was wondering if someone had a retired exclusive cuckoo cat clock that they are willing to trade with me. It unfortunately retired 3 days before I joined the site and I never got a chance to get it. If anyone is willing to trade my username is frogsandfly. Maybe we can work something out. I might have some other rares and I do have some duplicate Holiday Items. Thank you for your time. I hope your days in Webkinz World are wonderful. I will send you something you want in return hopefully if I have it. I also might have a couple PSI in my dock. I will see what I can do. Thanks again, Atomton

    1. #814799


      Dogfish could you please invite me to your WW house? I would really love to see it. I know that you already were sending some Neo Gothic Items to someone else on the WW forum thing, but if you still have any extras I would like the Bed, Walls & Floors, Dresser, Lights, Dining Set, and whatever else is in that theme. Of that theme I have 1 fireplace, 1 clock, 1 couch, and 1 sidetable. Since you have been playing since 2007, you probably know what I am missing! In return, I found a superbed. I also have a 50%, 40%, and 10% off coupon if you are interested. These rare items cost a lot of KC, and I am trying to save up coupons so when I load my Black Cat the Halloween items will be cheaper! Thank you for the Wonderful gifts, sorry if you didn’t see anything sent back whether it was a letter or a present. I was either short KC or wasn’t able to play. Hope to talk to you soon, Dogfish! -Atomton

      • #815361


        Hi again atom, I have rooms full of neo, but I am short on dinning table/chairs. I’ll start sending some and as soon as I get the table and chairs, I’ll let you know or just send. My rooms are done, so all just extra, and I buy more whenever I can. No reason to not have KC, I’ll send you something to sell, but sell it, I have more.OK? DF PS keep those coupons, I use them all the time, don’t care how much KC I have, I still use them, LOL

        • #815495


          i’m also looking for neo…please lmk what i can help you with if anything…..jami

    2. #812221


      i sent you a friend request . i have the sweets theme walls/floor you wanted… jami912 aka arj21798, some times this old lady has trouble remembering which account she’s signed in on…LOL

      • #812675


        Hi jami, I sent them already. I’m fast like that, LOL are you a WW Grandma? I have tons of Grand friends, My own Grand plays and helps me manage all the accounts she made anyway, LOL LMK if you are looking for something specific. We buy in bulk, so always have extra Webkinz items. Have a great day, DF/Chloe

        • #813354


          Yes im a WW grandma and i help manage my grandkids accts. see my house layout on webkinz facebook page. PS i found 2 cat cuckoo clocks if you or anyone else needs it…jami

          • #814787


            Awesome Jami, if you could it would be great if you could send my 1 more Cuckoo Cat Clock! Also do you have a 4-Wheel ATV? DF could you please send me the railroad pieces? -Atomton

        • #813379


          thanks for the tour of your house, it is fantastic!!! i wondered where you got the drapes in the nursery and also the french doors. i wish you joy with your webkinz world and in the real world!! jami

          • #813835


            Hi Jami, well my Grand has a little estore problem LOL We love all the windows, both PSI and promo ones and I think all the french doosr are from the mystery bags. I have extra french doors, just not the fall ones, yet. I will send you some cool items today, and I don’t trade, well not really. I love to invite guest over, and let them do the self tour. You need to use the map, hop around and snooping is encouraged at my house. My better(newer) rooms are all large and not in the middle. I play to decorate, I am very creative and it helps me express myself. Guest are always welcome, DF

    3. #811476


      OK, I’ll start sending, and please don’t send me your PSIs, I really don’t need them and would prefer you use them to trade. I use all my accounts, all twelve to buy items so I spread out the KC I spend. I have been playing a long time and have more KC then I can ever spend. If you need KC I can send you something to sell. JLMK, Sorry my pet didn’t talk, my rap bar was not working. TTYL DF

      • #811797


        Thank you for the clock, and the star theme items! I really like them. I hope you like your 10% off coupon, Zingos plush, shoes, Iguana PSI, and Wonder Scooter Exclusive! Thank you for telling me because I have nothing really good to send anymore! I will send you more things when I get more stuff, because you deserve a lot for what you are doing for me! :) Please keep sending! :)

        • #812181


          NOOO, please don’t send your items to me. I have so much, it is shocking! I share whenever I can, I am so blessed. My Grandma loves WW so I have more than any kid should. Guess that’s because most are hers, in a weird way. LOL LMK If I miss something, it’s easy to lose track, even with notes. I am working on train now. I don’t have the train tracks in a room, so need to figure out how many you need, just sell any extra. If you trade, I can send some extra trading stuff next. I don’t trade, as a rule. TTYL DF

        • #812206


          I have sweets/treats wallpaper and flooring. friend me UN jami912 and i will send it.

    4. #805778


      Please help me!!!

      • #809779


        Hi, my bff is Designergirl. If you have her on your friends list, I could find a clock and send to her for you. I have too much of everything, so it may take a day to find one clock. LMK if this works for you, and I would need nothing in return. I seldom trade, only gift to friends. Have a great day, DF

        • #809987


          Oh my, I should have read page one. LOL I have twelve deluxe accounts and would be happy to send you any deluxe furniture you need. If I have it, you can have it. Please tell me your UN and I will send many friend request. My UN are clo91,92 and 93, luckykinz, psiparadise, (soon to be given away) and discovermoon. The more the better, since you can only send once a day. Just list what you need. DF

        • #810285


          Thank you so much dogfish! It will work for me, but I don’t think I have designergirl on my .friend list. Could you please send me a friend request for frogsandfly, I would love to be your friend. Sorry I didn’t reply til now since I am very busy with school work; started 2 weeks ago. You are so generous!-Atomton

          • #811023


            Ok, I will send the clock, and when you can list what deluxe you need. If you need the entire theme, just say so, I don’t mind. I will send some request today, so as soon as you except I can start sending. TTYL DF

            • #811039


              I would like the window,desk, chair, and bed from the Star theme. Everything except for the W-shop train and luggage cart of the Train theme, and everything except for the bed, rug, lamp, Wall& Floor of the Mocha. Thank you so much! So generous. I only have 1 account. Also if you come across the Walls& Floors of the Sweet and Treats I would like that too. I am the type who sends presents periodically so keep checking for a present for me.-Atomton P.S Did you friend me today?

            • #811044


              I am so sorry, I don’t want to appear greedy. I sort of wished for a lot! :( Well would it be alright if I sent you a present and it was a PSI, Exclusive, Rare, W-shop,Curio Shop, Clothing once in a while even though it is not deluxe. I am going to send you a PSI from some pet I got at the trading table. :)

    5. #801363


      Still have great items!!! Anyone looking to trade!!!

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