Do you think all members should be able to buy eStore points with KinzCash?

Home Forums Suggestions – Archives Do you think all members should be able to buy eStore points with KinzCash?

This topic contains 32 replies, has 26 voices, and was last updated by  GreenSecret 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #842582

    If you think Webkinz World should allow regular and Deluxe members to buy eStore points with KinzCash, post your comments on this online petition, and once we’ve got enough posts, I’ll write to Webkinz, telling them how many people agree with this idea. Thanks for your input!

    1. #864997

      Just to avoid further confusion, members can still buy points with money, so to keep the franchise afloat. Just saying. Thanks for your concern!

    2. #864395


      Great Idea! I’m In!

    3. #862139

      Yes I agree! You should be able to buy estore points

    4. #861195


      yes!count me in for the petition. Im the art showcase winner for number 8. That HAS to count for something(I HOPE)

    5. #860981


      yes!!!! i believe its only fair i mean not everyone has money to buy estore points for them selfs i mean seriously,

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