Frozen fun slide, Fire sign carousel, Boys only treehouse, And more for trade!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Frozen fun slide, Fire sign carousel, Boys only treehouse, And more for trade!

This topic contains 48 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  fudgeyvanilla 11 years, 10 months ago.

  • Author
  • #726233

    Hi everyone! I’m trading two Frozen fun slides, a Fire sign carousel, Boys only treehouse, Over the rainbow ride, (on hold) Enchanted elven pipe organ, Diamond piano and more! I’m looking for E-store, signature PSI and PROMO items. PLMKSNOL

    1. #729340


      Fudgey do u still have the icy artic organ?If you do can I have it?

    2. #729275

      I already added you at torokolove. I don’t know if you’d still be around right now but if you like we can still send them! Or maybe we can work out a trade sometime tomorow. PLMKSNOL Sorry about missing the trade! SYL :D

      • #729464

        SMG & SMG2

        Great I can be on around now. PLMK who will be sending first, and who will not.

    3. #729257

      SMG & SMG2

      Fudgeyvanilla, I am available now. LMK if you want to trade or send. Thanks

    4. #729229

      Violin, I just added you and i would like to send whenever your ready. I’mavailable all night so if you have to gosoon and your getting ready maybe we can do it afterwards or tomorow. You will be reciving a friend request from fudgeyvanilla. PLMKSNOL

    5. #729225

      Violinduet, Great! I think it may be better if we sent the stuff sence your going ot to eat. I will log on and add you, then send the slide when you do! :D Can’t wait!

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