GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz

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This topic contains 1,557 replies, has 628 voices, and was last updated by  Reybeam 1 month, 1 week ago.

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  • #858321

    Key Master
    1. #892046


      ok hope someone reads this there is going to a job Dr. quack on at 7:00 pm are we going to be able to do this job all the other jobs that you have had we can not do them says no job avvailable please fix this it has been a problem for some time i have commented on this before

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    2. #891846

      @10littlebunny94, if you go to it explains it all. It’s a thing for Webkinz Mobile. Hope this helps!

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    3. #891839


      I was wondering when GanzWorold is going to be adding new prizes to spend are money we win with. All those prizes have been the same for adleast a year or more.

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    4. #891827


      Gennelle Help. I wish not to receive any more e-mails on follow up replies. I get to many and my in box gets to full, how can I make them stop.

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    5. #891746

      I have a random question…I haven’t been on for awhile, and came back to find the weird boxes…three, one small medium and large. They look like moving or packing boxes. I was wondering what the point of the boxes was. If anyone can help me out that’d be great!

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      • #895151


        They are gift boxes you can open on the webkinz mobile app.

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