Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives HIRING EMPLOYEES!

This topic contains 70 replies, has 31 voices, and was last updated by  KoalasRock2000 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #792873

    Hello, I am hiring employees! I need to hire interior designers, outdoor designers, pet namers, and clothing designers! I will have more jobs open later, but there will be tests for these jobs! Just tell me what job you are interested in, and I will give you the right test. There will be three tests that you need to take. You will take them one at a time to see if you can go to the next level test. If you pass the third test, I will hire you to one of my forums! Don’t be sad if you don’t pass a test, because you can ask for a second try! :) Now, just to let you know every day I will check on my forums, and see if you are doing a good job. I will be owner of the forum, but you will get to help me a lot! The forum titles will all start with “The Team’s” followed by the theme of the forum. We will be called “The Team.” This forum will always be open to people to take a test! Remember, I am the leader of The Team, so kinda like the boss. Lol! But, I will need a person to be a second leader, to help me make sure that everyone is doing a good job on an assigned forum, and to take over when I am gone, but I will tell you when I will be gone! Thanks!

    1. #799964

      @designergirl101 – My response to your post is on your Lovely Design That You Will Love forum in tips and tricks! Bye for now!

    2. #799962

      @chillylily – OH MY GOSH! I’M SO GLAD TO SEE YOUR NAME! Ok, so you see, I went on a long vacation, then I came back, and couldn’t find my naming forum! So I didn’t know what to do! I didn’t know what forums you hang out on so I couldn’t talk to you about it! So I will be replacing that forum! And guess what! You can still be my helper! In a matter of fact, if you want you can sign up for my co-leader, for all “The Team” forums! If you want! You can read about it on the very first post of each page! But, other people want it, and you wouldn’t be promised that you would get it, but I will promise you that you will be my helper on my replaced forum! Plmk what you think! Bye, and thanks!

      • #802074


        Hey! How was your vacation? No thanks, I don’t want to be the ‘co-leader’ of all ‘The Teams’ because I am not very organized(I’m lucky I can manage to keep control of my forum for solving the Neon Tutu), but I still do REALLY REALLY want that job with naming. P.S. I had given names on your naming forum(it’s on my favorites in case you can’t find it) for that Misty Puppy and I would really appreciate it if you looked at them and told me if what you think.

    3. #799956

      @angelgirldog7 – Hi, well since your not 100% sure what you really want to do it might help if you know that you can have more than one job! However, you would have to do tests for all the jobs you pick! I will give you your first test for the outdoor designing, but tell me if you want a different, or another job! Umm… I’m actually going to give you the EXACT same test as markg97, but please don’t cheat off of their design! Umm.. Like I said to markg97, people will want outdoor spaces just for sitting, beauty, outdoor exercise, or just for seeds! So the tests will sort of test you on all thoses things! Well, I’m running out of time, so instead of retyping the whole test just look at my response to markg97, it will have the test that I’m giving to both of you. Bye for now, and thanks!

    4. #799955

      @markg97 – Yes, it’s fine if you call me that, a lot of people do! You don’t have to put in the dots though, you can just do LWFG! It’s less time consuming! Ok, well that’s great! You can definitely try for that! Just for you to know, in this business people are going to want outdoor spaces for seeds, beauty, just for sitting, and for outdoor exercise, so your tests will have some of that type of stuff. So here is your first test! Hi! I want an outdoor room designed, and I want it’s main purpose to be just for beauty! I would like the space to be able to seat at least 4 webkinz however, so then they can enjoy the view! My webkinz really like swimming, so it would be nice to have a pool somewhere. Include lots of flowers, but I don’t want any seeds at all! Trees would be nice too! You can use as much kinzcash as you need, but please tell how much you use! Please only use things from the w-shop! Thanks!

    5. #799948

      @CrazyCooterCantCatchCats – ok, so here is your test! Take it whenever you are ready! This is your first test! Hi I’m a (select animal type), and I’m a boy. I like rather a casuall style, but my Mom says I need to dress more like an adult. She says that you can use as many kinzcash that you need, as long as you give the final price. She says that she only wants things from the kinzstyle outlet too. I like blues and reds, but my Mom says she doesn’t want the outfit to be too dark looking! Thanks!

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