I Need This Item

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This topic contains 13,882 replies, has 401 voices, and was last updated by  Pearl757 1 day, 3 hours ago.

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    Key Master
    1. #2449527


      @Roxy616 Thank you for the Valentines Treats. I’m looking over your wish list.

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      • #2449547


        Thank You sooooooooo much blurayne for the gemstone chair and the psf as well . Also I hope you have a very great weekend tooooo

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    2. #2449401

      Hey, everyone :) I hope you all are doing well, and having a wonderful week. I am currently on the lookout for 1x Fiona Feathers Valentine’s Plushy, 1x Founders Ice Sculpture, 1x Ice Floe Wallpaper, 1x Lovely Top, and 1x Trophy Case. Let me know what items you are looking for in return. My user is Mutchie50.

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      • #2449781


        Hi ! I have the Fiona plush my user is nbpainting19. I’d love a surprise gift!

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    3. #2449391

      Hey, sorry to ask for more, but does anyone have the dapper casual outfit they could send me? I’m also on the lookout for any Amazing World items, including the rewardz. Thank you! ~RobinFireEmblem

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      • #2449399


        Looking for plumpy’s glasses wz jeans mvp trophy hat double bun wig past winterfest clothing

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      • #2449435


        Hi ALex, I will be happy to send you the Dapper Casual Outfit:) Nothing needed in return, Have a great weekend. Your friend frankie98

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        • #2449591

          Thanks, Frankie! <3 Hope you have a great weekend as well. Hugs, your friend Alex

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    4. #2449349


      @Roxy616, Are you still looking for a Gemstone Chair? I finally found mine (duh, it was in my dock). I actually found 2 of them, so let me know if you would like one or both of them and I will send them over. Your friend blurayne.

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      • #2449389


        Hello I am still looking for these items plumpy’s glasses wz jeans yellow sneakers holografic dress and shoes bow and year 15 dress and bow stone washed jeans complete black and white cat costume complete loin costume complete hippo costume complete elephant costume black riped jeans royal blue crown and twilight’s dress zaps plasma ball kinzcash machine from score and sweetheart shower wading pools blue dragster grandfather clock fancy tea service mauna loa lamp electric blue mauna loa lamp vibrant green mauna loa lamp violet volcano lamp gemstone chair

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        • #2449535


          Hey @yami7, I was able to send you a gemstone chair. I dont have extras of any of the other items you are looking for. Have a great day! :) blurayne

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      • #2449385


        @blurayne, I haven’t had any luck so far in being able to find one, so a huge thank you for thinking of me, and I would absolutely LOVE to have one of the Gemstone Chairs, if you’re certain you won’t need it. I already have one for my room but was looking for another one to pair with it and thought I would have to wait until eStore’s Christmas in July or Black Friday events, maybe, when all the past mystery bags are available again and I could try my luck in getting one then. Only thing is that with those, I always end up spending WAY more than I had planned in trying to get just one specific item that I’m looking for, so you’ve truly made my day with your thoughtfulness in offering me the chair, and I couldn’t be more grateful!!! Sending lots of love, positive thoughts, and hope your way that you will find something very soon that will enable you to continue to work from home, as I know you want to do so badly. Please let me know if there’s anything at all you need, and have a wonderful rest of the week. Thanks

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        • #2449533


          I am so glad that I had something that you needed. I just put it in the post to you a few moments ago. Those mystery bags have a way of sucking you in and not letting go; there is always that hope that the very next bag is going to give you what you are looking for. I have been down that rabbit hole many a time. I still have my fingers crossed about finding a job at home, but so far, the pickings have been slim to none. Cant wait to see some of the rooms that you have been working on. Have a great day! Your friend blurayne

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    5. #2449275


      Hi everyone! I’m looking for some Winterfest clothing. Pls lmk if anyone has! I’m looking for the Neon Pink Ski Jacket, Skis, and Goggles. Also looking for the Rescue Team Jacket, Helmet, Skis, and Pet Pack. Also looking for Black Ski Pants and Neon Green Ski Jacket. Thanks for everyone’s help! Lmk if anything wanted in return! My user is unikitty11. Thx everyone!!

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      • #2449365


        Hi @unikitty11, Hey uni!! I was wondering,,, What does it mean when you put up the hanger emoji in Webkinz? Anyway.. Have a great week!♥

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        • #2449377


          Hello sosotto that means someone is looking for some clothing !

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        • #2449381

          Hey sosotto, do you ever use KinzChat Plus? ~Alex

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          • #2449543


            Hi Alex!! Nice to see you!! I don’t use kinzchat plus, I uses it once but I don’t use it very much anymore. Do you play in it? Do you think I should start playing in it to? Any advice?

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            • #2449775

              Hey Sosotto! You too! Gotcha, just wondered! Yes, I do! No, you can just use regular chat, lol. I just wondered if you ever went there because I don’t see you there, lol.

        • #2449387


          Hey, sosotto. I usually use it to show that I have “more clothing”. So, if you see me use this it usually means I have lots more clothing! Have a great week! ~unikitty

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          • #2449541


            OH! Yea that Makes sense! Anyways! Thank you for being such a kind person! Love you unikitty❤️

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