Make Suggestions!

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This topic contains 4,075 replies, has 1,477 voice, and was last updated by  gatorgirl54 1 week, 2 days ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #904388


      I would love to see a page available for all current and retired superbeds, POTM items, and exclusives..Thanks

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    2. #904386


      Thanks so much Ganz for updating the Moneyz prizes….so now, can we please have some new quizzes or polls so we can earn more moneyz? Thanks so much!!

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    3. #904383

      Ok here is my idea…. i think it would be awesome if there was a search box for the W-Shop and our docks! I have too much stuff in my dock and it takes FOREVER to find 1 item. And because the new W-Shop has so much stuff in it A search box would make it SO much easier to find the items i want.

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    4. #904366

      Or make everything able to be traded. I mean why not? People should be smart enough not to trade items they want to keep.

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    5. #904189

      My Spree bags don’t open. They just sit in the rooms. I have gifts that cannot be used, traded, or sold that just take up space in my dock. I never got my Christmas snow globe. I can’t do the challenges because I can’t afford the fancy membership. Why can’t regular members participate?

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