Make Suggestions!

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This topic contains 3,999 replies, has 1,425 voice, and was last updated by  cr2w 5 days, 1 hour ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #918467


      Bring dicekinz back please!!!!!

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      • #920488


        oh, yeah! i like DiceKinz, too, gshiftskull! i hope they will bring it back. (you can still play it when they have the big button of kinzcash which i think is like once a month. it shows up on the little ad thingies that come down on the sides. make sure you get your kinzcash first, though. one time, i played dicekinz so long, it was too late for me to push the button!) :D

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    2. #918414


      Aw! The jellyfish charm in the forest charm collection is aaaa-dor-a -ble!!! Could u put him as a pet or a character? He’s just soo cute!!

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    3. #918413


      Could we get a way to search for stories by topic in WebkinzNewz? Sometimes, I remember I read something . . . but can’t find it and I’m not sure it was a news item or something someone suggested in the Forum or whatever. Like maybe we could search for challenges, leprechaun, clothing, games, Dr Quack, mayor election, etc.? Would that be awfully hard to do? If it’s too hard, I understand. Thanks!

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    4. #918239

      Zingoz Pop is for everyone.30

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    5. #917836

      Update: I just went to Quizzy’s corner and my KT clock said 12:42 and then as soon as Quizzy’s loaded, the time jumped to 12:32.

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      • #920487



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