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This topic contains 4,076 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by  bunnychan 1 day, 20 hours ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #969215


      Webkinz stuffed animals that are like the lil kinz stuffies ! They’re so cute, I wish normal webkinz had them.

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    2. #968953


      Option to remove/sort out eStore point items from the WShop or make a shop exclusively for them please!!

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    3. #968855


      Can the video ads not run in the arcade. They are very distracting while playing some games and they also disturb the games’ graphics. Makes for a very frustrating experience.

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    4. #968706


      We should be able to bank more zummies than 100 per color category. If you are trying to earn a rainbow slide, you end up wasting a lot of zummies trying to earn enough zummies for each color category. For instance, I have 100 for 3 colors and 66 in another.

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    5. #968670

      I believe that there are too many “Deluxe Member” items and games. In the beginning of webkinz, ( at least when I joined January 2008 ) there were a few deluxe member items but we could deal with it. Now, we can only play about five games and can buy very few things. I also feel that we should not have a limit on rooms. I have 16 webkinz and am planning on getting more. Speaking of webkinz, we should not get free webkinz when we make an account. My sisters and I ( And anyone else who joined a while ago ) had to buy our webkinz to join ( which were about $15 ). I think these are good suggestions because you lost popularity when you made so much deluxe stuff. Now, you can find webkinz in the dollar store for $5 when you used to have to go to the mall or some place big like that to get a webkinz for $15 sometimes $12 when you were lucky.

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