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This topic contains 4,075 replies, has 1,477 voice, and was last updated by  gatorgirl54 1 week, 2 days ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #1000203

      I think Webkinz needs a pause button, Because some times you may be in the middle of a game and have to use the restroom. Or something else. Right now you have to stop your game or turn webkins off until you do what you have to do. Thanks

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    2. #1000197

      I wish that the House Map had a search bar. This way, for those of us that have many rooms in our house, we could get to the room we want to move to faster. It would also be nice if, along with the search bar, we could ‘tag’ our rooms. For example, if someone has several holiday themed rooms, they could search for rooms tagged “holiday”.

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    3. #1000190

      The ability to check challenges on the app would help with the steps not being shown in every different location.

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    4. #999989


      We need some Rainbow colored pets. Like a Red Rabbit, Orange Otter, Yellow Yak, Green Goat, Blue Bear, Indigo Ibex, and Violet Vicuna. Will you do some Birthday Party pets? Like a Cherry Cake Cheetah, Music Mouse, Glittery Gorilla, Sweetie Skunk, Party Fun Fish, Party Fashion Fox, and Present Pup. Will you make some petal pets? Like a Tulip Tiger, Poppy Poodle, Lily Lion, Sunflower Siamese, Orchid Orca, Daisy Dog, and a Rose Rabbit.

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    5. #999817

      I would LOVE to see a Rug that looks like Hopscotch and a Ride/interactive furniture that was a Merry-Go-Round (it could look like the one from Recess). It could have at least 1 pet sit on and it would go around, but…not too fast. :p

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