Make Suggestions!

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This topic contains 4,076 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by  bunnychan 1 day, 18 hours ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #2011969


      I think kinzchat should also have a reporting system… sometimes I find scammers and some bullies, to.

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    2. #2011967


      I really think kinzchat should have a reporting system, not just kinzchat PLUS. sometimes there are scammers in there, and sometimes even bullies.

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    3. #2011029


      Can you please make more challenges? Like the stuff on the sides of the the page with the deluxe and trophy challenges. I used to have other challenges like, “Enjoy the great outdoors: Talk a walk in the Kinzville park, Buy a bath from the Wshop, and add a bath to your pets room.” I did all of those challenges and miss trying to do them. I suggest that you should make more challenges besides trophy and monthly deluxe challenges for people who have already finished the other ones. (Am I using the forum right and do the Webkinz people look at this?)

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    4. #2009709


      This isn’t really a suggestion, well maybe one is.. I have a question, do you have to be deluxe for your television(s) to work i.e. watch Monkey & Monkey Show etc.. ? I’ve been on here since ’08 and you used to be able to watch someones Webkinz Movies production on one of the telly channels as well. There should be a contest for the best movie made and Webkinz World viewers will be able to enjoy watching it.

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      • #2010067


        @dipstickm what I do is I go to the Afterschool Room and the Classroom in the clubhouse and the TVs work in there. Glad to help a fellow webkinz player out :) Hope this helps!

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    5. #2009701


      When you play on the web you have all of the games and the adds make the app sound better. I got the app and there is way less games. Could some more games or activities be added. Also on the app tv’s don’t work and my log ride doesn’t either.

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