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This topic contains 4,076 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by bunnychan 1 day, 18 hours ago.
Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.
please make it so you can change the name your webkinz greet you with. I made mine “potato” because I thought it was funny at the time and I’d really like to fix that.
Can you bring back being able to invite friends to our houses. You put a lot of effort into making beautiful decor and furniture. I want to show it off to my friends once again.
I miss this too, this would be amazing
Make more stock of Webkinz next limited edition plush! Not only 150 please!
i doubt this will happen considering Ganz needs to make profits but maybe just maybe they can give everyone free membership i mean they did it with club penguin and moshi monsters so why cant they for Webkinz or at least if we buy a third pet than you get a permanently member account. What do you guys think
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