My Want List

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    1. #2567228

      Good morning Pearl757. I hope you are feeling well today! Thank you so very much for everything you have sent! I sent some chairs and a table to Cheyennelps. She will be excited to get those too! I found one of my list that I would take to the trading room. Here are a few things. The Touring vans, Gargoyle items. Haunted house floor and wallpaper, spider web hammock, and The items from the Wizard Academy Challenge. I like trampolines and swings. I would like any Holiday Plushies prior to March of 2020. Spooky Ghost Plushy. And some “vintage” clothing would be nice. Haha Daredevil Helmet and Jumpsuit. Green Kinz Kringle Hat, Jacket, and Pants. Elf Hat and Shoes. Santakinz Helper and Helperette. Mrs Santakinz Outfit. Plumpys Glasses. I hope I’m not asking for too much! I truly appreciate anything and love surprises! I sincerely hope you are feeling well and having a great day. If there is anything that you miss currently, please let me know. Sending much love and hugs to you! MrsKWA

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      • #2567264


        Hi Strawberrykinz72 :) I HAVE: touring vans; 1 spider web hammock; Ghost Plushy; Daredevil Helmet and Jumpsuit; Christmas clothing listed. I MAY have a haunted house wallpaper and flooring left; not sure if any Gargoyle items left – gave away the ’05 purple furniture. If the Wizard Academy Challenge is the Magic Cauldron Stove and clothing, I should have it. I don’t believe I was ever able to get Plumpy’s Glasses nor the Cinnamon Fridge you asked about earlier. Both items were disappointments at that time for us that we didn’t get them :( You may receive more FR from me from any accounts I don’t already have you on to help me just send things out as I come across them. Thanks for your list; this will give me a good deal to work with in the coming weeks. Love and Hugs! Pearl

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    2. #2567202


      Hi, I haven’t posted on the forums for awhile. I am looking for the new YELLOW BELL PEPPER SEEDS! I haven’t had any luck getting them playing 11 accounts daily. Although I seem to be getting an over abundance of onion/lettuce seeds with the occasional butternut squash and cherry tomato on all of the accounts. I would really like to add yellow bell pepper seeds in my gardens if anyone has extra that you don’t mind parting with. I have plenty to offer to trade let me know what you would like in exchange, I am will to work out a trade. Thanks for looking. ~ shelkinz67

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      • #2567224


        Hi shelkinz67 I have one extra I’ll send right out to you! Hope you have been well.

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        • #2567226


          I see in the Newz article stripes1308 already sent you some! Feel free to pass this on to a friend who hasn’t gotten any.

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        • #2567406


          Thank you for this offer I wish that you would not have said anything about stripes1308 already sending them. I have not had a chance to open the gifts yet. With all that I have been dealing with lately the surprise of opening a gift helps to brighten the day. Would you like me to send you gift back? ~shelkinz67

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    3. #2567198


      Good morning! I was wondering if anyone had an extra Jolly Roger Bed or a Mod Holiday Piano – they were both Deluxe Monthly Challenges. I’ve been looking for those items for a long time. Also, if anyone has an extra White Washer Dryer from the Deluxe Day Prize back in Nov. 2018, and a Steam Sauna back in April 2018. I would be so grateful. Please let me know what you would like in return. My username is slime90.

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      • #2567400


        Thank you, thank you, NorthStar for the wonderful Jolly Roger Bed, White Washer Dryer and the Steam Sauna! I’ve wanted the Jolly Roger Bed for so long for my Captain Pirate’s room and it looks great. I’ve dreamed of having these items and I feel so blessed. Please let me know what I can send to you. Have an awesome day! slime90

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        • #2567534


          Dear Sooners77, you’re very welcome and I’m happy to have been able to send these items to you! I’m not looking for anything right now, but I do enjoy feeding my pets pretty or unusual foods, like from dispensers (just not Pet Specific Foods that they don’t like to eat if it’s not their food item). Thanks for your reply on here, hope you have an awesome day as well! Pearl757 (twinz317) (NorthStar5953)

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    4. #2566740


      Dear Pearl, I am incredibly sorry to read about your congenital disease that’s affecting your heart and lungs. This must be so hard on you and your family, especially your children. I know how hard it is to see my own 88 year old mother suffer. I will continue to pray for you and will ask my friends and family to keep you in their prayers as well. Is there anything I can do for you, to bring you joy, like you have done for me? Much love, huge hugs and many prayers from your friend cardmaker22

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      • #2566778


        Dear cardmaker, that’s very sweet of you to reach out <3 I always appreciate prayers, thank you! As I mentioned to Frankie, it's wonderful that I'm finding new homes for so many items that hold so many happy memories of years playing on Webkinz with my daughters. Sending you all of those very old Halloween items has been bringing me joy! My time has passed to enjoy them anymore, but I know one of my daughters especially did and I hated the thought of just selling them back to the W-Shop. But it's like in real life, you reach a point of wanting to let go, freshen the house up, do a little renovating :D Thank you for your friendship and reinvigorating my time playing on WK with your excitement! Hugs! Pearl

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        • #2567208


          Dear Pearl, I hope I have as many years of enjoyment as you and your daughters have had! I am so grateful for your help with items I have missed! Would you mind sending me extra Countdown to Christmas items? Christmas is my all time favorite holiday! Only if it’s not too much work and only when you are feeling well. Much love, hugs and prayers, cardmaker22

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          • #2567236


            Dear cardmaker, I’ll make a note about the Countdown to Christmas items. That covers a lot of years :P It will probably be a throughout the summer undertaking as my energy permits. I have so many items that I don’t remember which fall into which categories anymore lol. But thanks for letting me know you will have a home for them as I come across them :) Hugs! Pearl

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    5. #2566730


      I posted this on the other forum list thing, but I think it fits here too, and this loads much swifter. Would anyone happen to have a spare Tray of Sugarberry Muffins and/or Jug of Pickleberry Juice? I was never able to snag those. I’m alyssa5tessa on Classic. I’ve got some high kinzcash items to send in return, or I can search my dock for something you’re looking for!

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      • #2566774


        Hi a5t, I have one of each of those for you :D I saw your other post yesterday, and while searching for other items, I found one extra of each on I believe it’s my huskygirl17 account. When I’m done on the forums and get into my accounts, I will send you a FR today. Nothing needed in return, just a note to let me know you got the items once I’m able to send them. ~ Pearl757 (twinz317)

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        • #2567200


          You’re so generous! Thank you so, so much! I don’t…I don’t even know how to thank you, those are precious items and they will be treasured <3

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          • #2567238


            Dear a5t, your beautiful post is thanks enough<3 So glad they will be treasured! ~ Pearl

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