My Want List

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This topic contains 2,231 replies, has 272 voices, and was last updated by  balletbear5M 16 hours, 55 minutes ago.

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  • #858305

    Key Master
    1. #2567848


      Hi everyone! I’m looking for the Colorblock Sofa, the Colorblock Canopy Bed and the Colorblock Chair. Thank you for your help your friend fox2tail

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    2. #2567778


      Hello friends and happy Monday! ^.^

      Thank you so much everyone who has sent me needed items over the weekend!! I appreciate you so much!! ^.^ I’ve updated my list to the items I’m still after. I have lots of things for trade! ♡
      (Sorry for the long list!)

      I’m looking for:


      Stadium Security Headset
      (Retired From Rockerz Backstage Pass)

      Black Ripped Jeans
      (From the Rockerz Fox)

      Rockerz Superstar Sunglasses
      (From the Rockerz Cat)

      Checkered Slip On Shoes

      Tartan Overcoat

      Warm Jacket & Hoody

      Nebula Hair Bow

      Nebula Dress

      Nebula Shoes

      Glam Silver Sandals

      Starry Night Dress

      Yellow Sneakers

      Funky Fall Glasses

      Rock Star Torn Jeans

      Brown Belt

      Groovy Guitar Belt

      Lilac Hair Clip

      Lily Hair Clip

      Cute Crocheted Top

      Lacy Jean Shorts


      Coconut Tree Seeds (Multiple)

      Sour Shamrock Tree Seeds (Multiple)


      Mauna Loa Lamp (Red Lava Lamp)

      Electric Blue Mauna Loa Lamp (Blue Lava Lamp)

      Vintage Soda Bottles

      Tiki Hut Paradise Lounger

      Tiki Water Slide

      Enchanted Loch

      Sly Slide

      Golden Fruit Basket

      Igloo Bed

      Cozy Condo Shower

      Weathered Barn Lantern

      Berry Preserves Cellar

      Iron Wood Fridge (Multiple)

      Table Top Fountain

      Spring Chick Plushy (Multiple)

      Arctic Fox Cub Plushy

      Turkey Plushy

      White Mouse Plushy

      White Tiger Cub Plushy

      Fiona Plushy

      Fox Cub Plushy

      Zippy Zum Plushy

      Any St. Patrick’s Day themed items (I adore and collect them ^.^)

      If anyone needs help finding their needed items please let me know! I’m always happy to help! ♡

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      • #2567818


        HI Bekah, posting here because it is easier than the other forum. I saw your post about trying to find the Art Pictures I am looking for, and I appreciate it very much, and if you find the person I hope I have something they would like to trade for:) I have been having so much trouble with Webkinz lagging and glitching, I wanted to make sure you received my package with the White Knight Boots, Lilac hair clip, and cute crocheted top? I hope they are not lost in space somewhere;( LMK when you can, and I will look over your list and send what I have. Big Hugs, Frankie:)

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        • #2567860


          Hello Frankie! ^.^ I got the gift! Thank you so incredibly much!! ♡ (I just got the plushies and seeds you sent too! Thank you so much!!) I sent a Thank You note on Webkinz but I’m guessing it didn’t go through? Sorry about that! ♡ I just sent another note on Webkinz and I hope this one comes through! ^.^ I’m after those art pieces you need now! Would you please remind me which pieces you were after? I remember the dog with a pearl earring, I’m just having trouble loading the forum. ^.^ Big hugs! ~Bekah ♡

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          • #2567868


            Good morning Bekah, YAY what a relief:) I received your notes as well. I am still having issues with my webkinz account logging me out when in the process of sending things, so always a little nervous. The items I were looking for> THE POODLE WITH THE PERAL EARRING, THE MONA DUCKA, AND THE ADOLESENT ZANGOZ. I’m sure this is a difficult task so I would be grateful to find any of these:) Not even sure if I have enough of valuable items to trade but doesn’t hurt to try;) Thank you for taking the time to try when I know you have your own wanted items to search for. Big Hugs, Frankie

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            • #2567978


              Hello Frankie! ^.^ Thank you for reminding me which items you needed! I don’t have many valuable items either so I completely understand what you mean. ^.^ I like the challenge of finding needed items though and I’m having so much fun looking for the things we’re after!! ♡ I’m so incredibly thankful for my wonderful friends on here who have helped me with my list of needed items and I’m more than happy to return your kindness!! ♡ I’m excited to help with your museum room and hope we can get you those art pieces soon! I’m so happy you’ve asked me to help with finding them! ♡ (& Thank you so much again for the gifts you’ve sent!!) Big hugs! ~Bekah ♡

    3. #2567464


      Hello friends and happy Friday! ^.^
      I’m currently looking for some seeds/plants and was wondering if anyone may have spares? I have lots of things for trade!

      I’m looking for:

      Growing Gardens Kale Seeds (x4)

      Coconut Tree Seeds (Multiple)

      Growing Garden Cantaloupe Seeds (x4)

      Growing Garden Lettuce Seeds (x3)

      Growing Garden Yellow Bell Pepper Seeds (x1)

      Potted Mini Cucumber Plant (x2)

      Sour Shamrock Tree Seeds (Multiple)

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    4. #2567334


      Dear Pearl, please disregard my request on the previous page, as I made it without thinking of how much work it would be! I am very sorry I did that, I just got so excited about the possibility of getting items I missed! You have helped me so much already and I am very grateful and it was wrong of me to do that. Please forgive me, your friend cardmaker22

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      • #2567372


        Dear cardmaker, no apology needed! I love your excitement and get caught up in the energy of it myself!! I just meant to say that gathering those items would take longer than the recent Halloween items ~ which I know I have been sending off rather fast and furiously lol!! The Halloween items were mostly all in rooms that I was just able to empty and send. I’m happy to pass along what I can from the Christmas Countdown or other such events, but I would have to consult the guide to figure out which items came from them. If you’re able to make up a list, even a few at a time, listing the item names (and possibly year in case I need to double check the picture for the item), please do as your time and health also permit. We can do some “Christmas in July” searching all summer :D Big Hugs! Your friend, Pearl

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        • #2567444


          Dear Pearl, you are such an amazing friend and I cannot thank you enough for the Jam Maker’s items. I have not been playing Jumbleberry Fields daily like I should, as I find it so time consuming and I have been busy creating rooms instead. As for Christmas items, please do not try to look at the picture guide, I’ll be thrilled with whatever you come across that you want to send. I did get a lot of various items from a number of generous friends. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Much love, hugs and gratitude, cardmaker22

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    5. #2567266


      Dear @Pearl757 , I wanted to thank you so incredibly much for all of the clothing items you’ve sent me! ^.^ I’ve felt like a kid on Christmas morning opening the gifts you’ve sent! ♡ Your kindness has brought me so much joy and I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me! If there is anything you would like or need please let me know and I’d be more than happy to help! ^.^ I’ve read through some of your recent messages on here looking to see if you had mentioned any items you were looking for, and I’ve seen some messages mentioning that you have congenital disease. A few of your posts have brought tears to my eyes and I wanted to make sure you’re alright. ♡ My husband and I are keeping you in our prayers. ♡ Please let me know if there’s anything I can do for you! I so desperately want to repay your kindness and bring you the same joy you’ve brought me. ♡ Sending hugs, prayers, and much love! ~Bekah ♡

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      • #2567378


        Dear Bekah, I’ll be 59 in a few weeks, and I still know exactly what you mean about feeling like a kid on Christmas morning opening Webkinz gifts! Your joy is my joy! Prayers are the best thank you gift for me <3 But if you're in the trading room, or shopping at the eStore, dispensers are my favorite type of items and I'm not really able to get the tradeable dispensers that sometimes come with points purchases or things like that. If you have any dispensers on your accounts, I gladly accept the food items as thankyous in return for my pets' work in finding and sending the gifts :D Sending much love right back at ya! Pearl

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        • #2567404


          Dear Pearl, Happy early birthday!! ^.^ You’re the absolute sweetest and I’m so thankful to have you as my friend! ♡ I just turned 27 in March and Webkinz is still my absolute favorite game. ♡ You’re in our thoughts and prayers! I’ve sent something special over for your pets and I hope they enjoy it. ^.^ I have two dispensers I’d absolutely love to send you food from! I have all sorts of pretty foods I’d love to send if you’d be okay with that! Sending hugs and love! ~Bekah ♡

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          • #2567548


            Oh Bekah, I just opened your gift! Thank you sooooo much :D I love the Bunny Zingoz Donut Dispenser and can’t wait to try one of his delectable donuts!! And the coconut drinks are making me feel ready to mellow out and sip from them like I’m vacationing in a tropical oasis (I can feel the ocean breeze already!) That was super sweet of you! Big smiles and hugs ~ Pearl

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            • #2567556


              Hello Pearl! ^.^ You’re very welcome!! ♡ I just got my first two dispensers a few days ago and I adore them! I’d be more than happy to send you more of the pretty coconut drinks and other pretty food items I’ve collected if you would like! I’m so happy you like your dispenser I sent! I went and found him for you last night and was able to get him! I wanted to send you something extra special and thought he was adorable and had a pretty food item. (Wacky is so cute in his little outfit hehe) ♡ I’m so happy I can share the lovely food items with you! If you collect food I have some rare pet specific foods I can send too like foods from the Twilight Doe, Signature Timber Wolf, Mystical Purple Hedgehog, Magical Retriever, and several other pets! Hugs! ~Bekah ♡

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