My Want List

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This topic contains 2,231 replies, has 272 voices, and was last updated by  balletbear5M 16 hours, 32 minutes ago.

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    Key Master
    1. #2568730


      For those who posted responses to my message on Pg. 111, updating you on the reason for my recent absence from the forums, I wanted to let you know that I posted replies to each of them over on that page…Didn’t want you to miss them, so thought I’d put this here so you’d know to check on Pg. 111 ~ Lots of Love, Roxy <3

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      • #2568736


        @cardmaker22 (continued) This was supposed to have posted as a reply under your post below but somehow ended up here at the top of the page, instead; anyway, as I was saying, when something happens like that with no explanation as to why, despite the hurt and/or confusion it’s caused, sometimes we have to make the decision to move ahead and continue to do what feels right for us and makes us happy (i.e., being with the many friends who love and care about you on the forum), so if you are perhaps thinking of leaving, I truly hope you’ll reconsider. Hopefully I just misinterpreted and have it wrong, but felt I needed to share this with you, just in case. I’ve had a setback with throwing up again the past few days, despite taking Dramamine to counteract it, so it looks like I’m probably headed back to the ER tomorrow to at least get the creatinine levels in my kidneys checked again, but I have a feeling they will end up admitting me again. If that’s the case, then I may be absent here again for a little while, but know that I’m thinking of you, dear friend ~ Much Love and Big Hugs, Roxy <3

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      • #2568890


        Good morning Roxy! ^.^ I left a reply to your message on page 111. Hugs! ~Bekah ♡

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    2. #2568682


      In case my other message did not go through…. Hi Pearl757 I sent the request form my account (same username kittylvr2) If they are still available I would like the pjs and also possibly the tree. Thank you so much,

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      • #2568702


        Hi kittylvr2, I received your friend request and just sent you two pairs of the bunny pjs and the pink cotton candy tree. You’re very welcome! ~ Pearl757 (twinz317) PS – I did check for the various messages you sent and see they all posted. I often get a message after I submit mine that looks like there was an error so I’ve learned to exit it and then come back and look for the “awaiting moderation” where my post should be. So far, it’s been there and then I know that the post did actually get submitted.

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    3. #2568622

      Good morning Pearl757! I am really enjoying everything you have sent! I love the Promo items! If you happen to have an extra Unicycle, I would love one also. If not, no worries! I hope you are having a great day! And again, thank you so very much!! <3 MrsKWA :-)

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      • #2568634


        Two Unicycles and a Doc McStuffins Doc Mobile are on their way to you! :D Pearl757

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    4. #2568580


      Dear friends, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your help since I joined the forums. My Webkinz home grew exponentially! @Roxy616 @Pearl757 @Netge you will continue to be in my prayers! To the friend who removed me from their kinzpost I apologize for whatever I may have done wrong. Thank You ALL who helped me enjoy Webkinz! Much love, cardmaker22

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      • #2568618


        Dear cardmaker22, you’re very welcome for anything I was able to contribute to the building of your home :D I know I sent a ton of Halloween items and thought you might need a break for designing rooms with them. Then I saw you posted about the difficulty as a newer player to be able to afford to buy items for your rooms. I wasn’t sure what you and others were referring to about sending waterfalls at first. Then I realized the ones in the W-shop that could be helpful for selling back for the kinzcash so I sent you some. I loved the design you made with your thank you note! I’m happy to send more if that would be helpful and/or if you’re ready to add new gift items, just let me know what you might be looking for and I’ll see what I can do. Hope you’re still enjoying the creativity and fun of Webkinz! Love and prayers, Pearl757

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      • #2568734


        Hi, @cardmaker22, Wanted to say a special Thank You for all of your concern, thoughts, and prayers sent my way during my time away from the forums…It means so very much to have such a wonderful and caring friend as you, and I want you to know what an incredibly special person I think you are! Forgive me if I’m overstepping or have jumped to the wrong conclusion regarding your post above, but it sounds as if you’re leaving the forums because of the removal incident you mentioned, and I truly hope and pray that’s not the case. A couple of years ago, myself, Frankie98, and bananasbw had the same suddenly done to us by someone we considered a very close friend, and we were all both devastated and at a loss as to the reason behind the abrupt removal. Sometimes people just make decisions out of the blue that seem best for them at that time but don’t necessarily seem fair or rational to those on the receiving end, especially if they are unaware of anything that may have precipitated that decision, so the only thing really left to do is to move ahead with (continued below)

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        • #2568738


          @cardmaker22, So sorry, but the second half of the message above got accidentally put at the top of the page, so see the continued part toward the top (second message down, I think)

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    5. #2568574

      Hi Pearl757, I would love to have the media promotion items. I have a few, but not all of them, and my daughter would like those also, so I can pass some along to her if I already have them. Honestly anything you want to pass along is so very much appreciated! Thank you so much for offering! I would love the little Blue Wagon! It’s so cute! I hope you are well and having a great day! Love and hugs, MrsKWA :-)

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      • #2568616


        Hi Strawberrykinz72, again, so very glad to know! I see items that are from the years of your older/deleted accounts and think you might enjoy them. And then sometimes I find out they’ve since been available in other ways and was worried you might be overwhelmed if I was giving you too many duplicates. While I was on my callie915 account this morning, I pulled a number of vehicles for you (planes, tractors, boats, atv’s, etc) and started sending them. The little blue wagon is on my huskygirl17 account and will send along soon! Still happy “playing Santa” :D Hope you are well; love and hugs, too ~ Pearl757

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        • #2568684


          Hi Pearl757 please see my messages at the top of the page and on page 112. Something went wrong when I posted them. Thanks.

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        • #2568732


          Hello Pearl757 I received your packages. Thank you so very much!. I send you a thank you note and I also sent you a kinzcash coin as a “token” of my appriciation. Thanks again. As for the message and reply thing. I did see that they were awaiting moderation but the comments did not appear to post “in order” so I was worried you would not see them, but you did so all is well thanks again!

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