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This topic contains 234 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  KASSUZY 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #756140


    Hay y’all!! This is Stealthstorm, and my best friend Flicka! If you need any horse advice, just click here! We will get to you as soon as possible! Or, you can just chat about horses! Have fun, horse lovers! ~Flicka and Stealthy~

    1. #816624


      Thanks Chilly!!!! And yeah, it’s sad. This year has been extremely hard, and I have been dying to be home schooled. My teachers aren’t doing great, the homework is overwhelming, and my friends are not good. I feel like I’d be better off alone! Well, some good news, 1st chair clarinet! Lots of pep band events coming up! I found out if I made it onto NJHS Monday. School has surely been keeping me busy!!!! Nashville is great! Haha, today it was raining hard and it was COLD, and we drive by and he is the only one outside. Haha, he loves being outside, whether it is freezing or blazing! Sunday I am taking a lesson on another horse to boost my confidence to ride Nashville. After he’s taken off with me, it’s hard to do the same thing. So I am riding another gentle horse! :D I am excited! I have a question for y’all: What is on your Christmas list this year? I hope y’all are fantastic! ~SS

    2. #813932


      Oh BFF! That’s awful! Hopefully the weather will clear up soon and you’ll be spared. We’re going to be getting storms soon….maybe the storm is kind of nationwide ;) . I’m soooo sorry about your best friend. I still haven’t found my true friend but I think one of my friends who is homeschooled like me might be the one. We get along really well and we laugh at the same things. I really love her and I think she feels the same way about me. I wish I knew you guys in real life. We would have soooooo much fun hanging out. Hey dapple, I think you were somehow taken off my friends list. I tried to add you back but you refused. I hope I haven’t done anything to upset you.~CL

    3. #813376

      ok i will pray! Texas has been getting some rain and we have 90 degree weather anstead of 100′s so that is good! ~Texas Longhorns

    4. #813342


      Hello y’all. Today school was cancelled. It’s not been a fun day off though, like a snow day. Ok, so on Wednesday it started getting cold here in Colorado. The skies were gray, and all my friends and I were wearing boots! :D But then all this rain started piling up…and now there are floods everywhere, even in my town. No, our house is not like the ones you will see on national news, but some good friends of mine in my grade (and some of them are boys) houses are flooded and trashed. Everywhere is like raging water and at least 5 feet tall. Horses are stranded and no one can get to them cause the water is so insane. And in a town near us, the dam is about to break. It broke 100 years ago, and the whole town went underwater. At first all of my friends and I were just happy that it was raining, but now it’s really serious. My family is so lucky! Well, while most of the roads east in my town are closed, I still went shopping and got these really cute jeans! :D XD LOL! And then I ran 3.15 miles and yeah. :) But we are getting more rain Sunday night, which may mean another rain day. Yeah, it’s supposed to be exciting to have no school, but it’s kinda been a downfall. But of course I’d rather be home! Nashville is getting SO good. He has 4 SHOES! That aren’t $250 glue-ons! :D I think he’s gonna be a great horse. He was just a little green in a few narrow spots. I wish I knew y’all in real life. Y’all are like my bffs! My best friend is kind of ditching me right now for another friend, and so I’ve been hanging out with others. But I just want to meet y’all cause your so nice! Maybe someday! :D ~SS

    5. #813002


      Hey y’all!!! Sorry, I have been incredibly busy!!!! Please PRAY for Colorado, we are having floods! We have had straight rain for like 3 days? Our pep band event has been cancelled! :( But I want us to have a rain day at school, because schools are closing! I will update y’all on LOTS later! ~SS

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