Next Requests

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This topic contains 120 replies, has 45 voices, and was last updated by  sally 2 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #2427139

    Key Master

    Need something from Webkinz Next? List it here! Please note that no one is obligated to send you anything from your list. You may want to list one or two reasonable requests — not “all sendable items” on Webkinz Next. More and more items will be added all the time, so that’s both an impossible ask and not fair for Next players who work hard for their KinzCash.

    1. #2452159


      Please could you tell me why we can’t buy diamonds from the estore and have to do it via Microsoft in the Next game. I want to buy some diamonds, but am not keen to have to sign up with them to do it. netge

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    2. #2451379


      Question…When using earned diamonds to save for a pet…Are these pets considered to be adopted? Or do you have to purchase one from eStore?

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      • #2451391

        Key Master

        Yes, these pets are considered the same as purchasing a pet through eStore or purchasing Diamonds to purchase through the Adoption Center. Collecting Diamonds to adopt a pet is a valid way to upgrade from a Free to Full member.

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        • #2451417


          @Sally…Thank your for replying quickly to both of my questions.

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    3. #2451377


      Question…How do you sing a lullaby to a baby when you don’t have one? Can you be invited to a friends room & sing to their baby?

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      • #2451393

        Key Master

        I believe that works. Give it a try!

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        • #2451635


          @Sally Webkinz…It worked! Yay!!!

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    4. #2441229


      To Anyone Who has a Next Account: Would you please send me (suze01) : 3 Apricots, 3 Candy from candy machine and 3 Cactus Pictures for my sister, niece and nephew to complete their Next Challenge. If you want anything in return, please let me know. Thanks.

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      • #2441321


        Hi Keuka01/suze01 – I’ll get a set mailed to you today and would be happy to send more for your family – nothing is needed in return – I’m happy to help a friend :-) alphacat

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      • #2448191


        Hello This is my next wish list glampire dress and room theme and artic fox backpack and holiday stuff and prizes also egyptian wallpaper and flooring

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    5. #2439609


      I was reading the article about sending Challenge prizes from Next to Classic and saw the Egyptian Wallpaper. I love this wallpaper and would love to have it. I do not have a Next account and have no idea if this is hard to achieve and is a lot of work. If it is not, would anyone be willing to send me an Egyptian Wallpaper? My username is slime90. Let me know what you are looking for, and I will be happy to send it to you if I have it. Thanks.

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      • #2439757

        Hey there, @Sooners77! I have the wallpaper! If it lets me send it later today, I’ll send it on over to you. Please send a friend request to RobinFireEmblem. My account says I’ve already sent out 8 invitations. =P Nothing is needed in return– think of it as an early Christmas gift =) But I do collect PSF’s, so I’d be happy for those. Have a great night! -Alex

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        • #2439879


          I just sent a friend request from slime90. Thanks so much and I will be happy to send PSF’s of what I have. Have a merry Christmas!

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          • #2440735

            Thank you for all the PSF’s, Slime! Merry Christmas! =) ~Alex

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