Pet Talk! :)

Home Forums Pets – Archives Pet Talk! :)

This topic contains 93 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  sweetcupcake16 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #813928

    Hello everyone! Pet Talk is a forum I created to ( that’s right! ) talk about pets! I will post a new pet topic every week. This week’s topic is: Which regular webkinz pet or pets do you think is the best one ganz ever made, and why? My personal favorite right now is the musical dalmatian because I play and love music. Next week’s topic is about the signatures. :)

    1. #823181


      In real life I have a Halfinger, Turkish Van, Collie, Abyssinian Guinea Pig, and a Crowntail Beta. I love my pets! ~GO PATRIOTS!

    2. #823158

      yes fur salon with new creative styles omg

    3. #822991

      the collie is a webkinz not real! i do have a Shih Tzu named Samantha ~ GO TEXAS LONGHORNS AND NAVY GOATS!!!

    4. #822898

      Even though it hasn’t been a week yet, I decided to post the next topic. :) Here it is: What do you think of a hair( or maybe I should say fur) salon for pets to go to?

      • #832395


        That would be amazing! It would be coolif your pet could get there fur actually done, so they can have nice glossy fur!

    5. #822861

      yes yes yes especially horses

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