Tons of priceless! Anyone have any offers?☺☻♥

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Tons of priceless! Anyone have any offers?☺☻♥

This topic contains 25 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  icecooler86 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #839122


    I have tons of priceless! At least 12 priceless items, here is a list of them, WZ jeans, Black & White Cat Costume-feet, Plumpy Glasses, Orange Army Shirt, Purple Vampiress costume veil, Fairy falls forest Tiara, swirling leaf tiara, Black & White Cat costume-shirt, Emo jeans, black & White Cat Costume-hat, Halloween hat, and Mad Scientist Goggles! That’s everything priceless I have. (I have a few things that are not priceless but are very cute.) My user is eberry4 if you want to friend me about trading! P.S. I can only trade in the regular clubhouse I cannot use kinz chat plus! Sorry!☺

    1. #839761


      Actauly Madukayil Im sorry I meant black and white cat costume pants.

    2. #839663


      Hi there! I have the cat costume shirt, and I need the feet. What would you have in mind? My user is Madukayil, so just let me know. :)

    3. #839598


      hershey111 I would be happy to trade with you! I am eberry4 on WW! see you there!

    4. #839596


      Heyitsglitz I will meet you in the clubhouse some time and I’ll see what you’ll affer for plumpy, what your user on WW? MIne is eberry4, Meet me in the regular club house trading room!

    5. #839595


      I really don’t want any furniture for my priceless clothing I’ll only do priceless for priceless! Sorry I really don’t want to go back to one priceless clothing item!

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