Username History!

Home Forums Questions – Archives Username History!

This topic contains 342 replies, has 45 voices, and was last updated by  Bali_Tiger 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #760472

    Do you have a backstory of how you got your username? Post it here! Okay, so my user name, stylized is OCarinaoftime, because I love The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. the capital OC is because I love OWL CITY! So, yeah. That’s all! Um, yeah. Post your history below! ~OCarina

    1. #806077

      Whoops!!!!!!! another comment on your account by me! Sorry gold!

    2. #805352

      hey guys! just got Britt Nicol’s “Say It” album! Its great! Blessings! goldbybrittnicoll

      • #806069

        Is it new? I love all of her music, very inspirational. What are the song titles? Sorry I have not been around in a while! How is the new baby doing?

        • #806689

          No its actually her first album from 2007! The song titles are: Holiday, Believe, Set the World on Fire, Sunshine Girl, Ready, You, When She Cries, Good Day, Don’t Worry Now, Say It and World That Breaks. My new sister is doing great! Blessings! goldbybrittnicoll

    3. #805259

      Yeepee! we got a little bit of rain the other day! ~Texas Girl

      • #806073

        YES!!!!!! an answer to prayer!!! You guys should hear sunshine girl by Britt Nicole! :) readyornotbybrittnicole

    4. #805089


      I will definately be praying for rain for all my WW friends that live in areas ravaged by drought and wild fire! I will also be praying for your friend that was hurt badly. I haven’t been on Webkinz News for a while. Sorry I haven’t posted in a while.

    5. #804362

      I will not be posting any thing for a week come Sunday, just so that you don’t worry about me! Blessings! goldbybrittnicoll

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