Username History!

Home Forums Questions – Archives Username History!

This topic contains 342 replies, has 45 voices, and was last updated by  Bali_Tiger 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #760472

    Do you have a backstory of how you got your username? Post it here! Okay, so my user name, stylized is OCarinaoftime, because I love The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. the capital OC is because I love OWL CITY! So, yeah. That’s all! Um, yeah. Post your history below! ~OCarina

    1. #779843

      Hey, I haven’t been on lately :) So yeah, here I am… *crickets* Anyway, um, i also like the bands Switchfoot and Skillet. And I also like Dara Maclean and Francesca Batistelli. So, have you guys heard of any of them? I like Francesca Batistelli’s song “Angel By Your Side” It’s very comforting. I have a story of why I love that song a lot, but it’s kind of a lot to type. ~Ocarina

      • #781364

        We have the cd Wow hits 2013 so I’ve heard the song “Angel by your side”. You should get the cd! It has lots of good Christian songs. Here is a list of the songs on the cd : Courageous by Casting Crowns, 10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman, Overcome (radio version) by Jeremy Camp, Blessings by Laura Story, My Hope is in You by Aaron Shust, I Lift My Hands by Chris Tomlin, The Hurt and the Healer by Mercy Me, Forgiveness by Matthew West, We Are by Karijobe, Live Like That by Sidewalk Prophets, Fall Apart by Josh Wilson, Angel By Your Side By Francesca Battistelli, Trust in Jesus by Third Day, Do Everything by Steven Curtis Chapman, Some One Worth Dying For by Mikeschair and Only a mountain by Jason Castro. Blessings! goldbybrittnicoll

        • #782606

          And, if my life had a soundtrack (if you know what i mean) My Hope is in You and Angel by your side would be on it :)

        • #782605

          I know all of those songs, (except for the Josh Wilson one) but I don’t have the CD. I love all of them :) I know all of I Lift My Hands and 10,000 Reasons because we sing those at my church all the time. I also know all of We Are and Live Like That, but that’s just cuz I hear them a lot on the radio and stuff.

    2. #779848


      Angel, I love Casting Crowns too!!!! I really like Skillet too, because they are Christian rock! :D I love the song 10,000 Reasons, I forgot who it is by! We sing it in my church all the time. :) ~*Hakuna Matata*~

      • #781421

        Oh, I meant to say that Matt Redman sang 10,000 Reasons ~Ocarina

      • #781419

        I like the song You Never Let Go (Also by Matt Redman) ;)

      • #781363

        10’000 Reasons is by Matt Redman.  Blessings! goldbybrittnicoll

    3. #779847


      @goldbybrittnicoll, I LOVE Britt Nicole! I am a Christian, so I love her music. Well, my user name came from the book series, Warriors, that I am in love with! My favorite cat used to be Sandstorm, and in real life I can sneak up on my friends without being heard, so I made my own Warriors name, combined the two, and got Stealthstorm. :D ~*Hakuna Matata*~

    4. #779889


      Your username background was so interesting (I love owl city and zelda) ! My webkinz username is jjale. Simple yet not so… So i always wanted the name jane so i tried that when i got my first webkinz. That didn’t work, though. I also like the nickname J.J. and have always wanted to try kale. Combining “J.J.” with kale and Jane, i got jjale. Hope this was interesting to you!

    5. #780479

      Okay, so to make sure you all know, here’s my favorite singers: Britt Nicole, Owl City, Tenth Avenue North, Switchfoot, Francesca Batistelli, Skillet, TobyMac, Jamie Grace, Carrie Underwood, Dara Maclean, Casting Crowns, and Third Day. And no, I did not forget anybody. :D ~OCarina

      • #780794

        Cool! Have you heard Casting Crowns song Courageous? I like Third Day although their songs are kinda odd. Take titles like “kicking and screaming” and “hit me like a bomb” for example. Whatever… Blessings! goldbybrittnicoll

      • #781906

        I like Third Day, Britt Nicole, Jamie Grace, TobyMac and Casting Crowns to! :)

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