webkinz fairy god mother 2

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives webkinz fairy god mother 2

This topic contains 223 replies, has 80 voices, and was last updated by  Hunnypoo128 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #795170


    hello i want to help make peoples wishes come true so i will try to grant your wish . i can grant estore points but only like 1000 or 2000 points . i can also give u kinz style shop stuff and deluxe stuff i also have some priceless but those are a maybe . i will try to find rares that u might want and i can try to get psi and other stuff so yeah u know what i mean! im here for u and open for the job! (by the way, u can make more than 1 wish just try to make less that 3 so i have stuff for other people!) i have my wand in my hand just in need of people! fairy dust whoosh!

    1. #819883

      I’m looking for pink bunny hoody, chocolate couch, or chocolate shower (I love chocolate) good idea by the way. (I’m JesusismyLord if you want to friend me) :) :) :)

    2. #819878


      Hey I am SmartGirlAZ as the UN and I am your friend already, you are katara363, am I right? I need a Chocolate Pop dispenser from the Night At The Theatre theme and it is at the eStore. I would also like the whole theme if possible, although I doubt that you can, so just send the dispenser if not. Also, I would like a banana split seed or something like that too. If you have no eStore points left, than instead I will ask for that cool Neon Gothic Grand Piano thing from the Wish Shop. Please respond!!!

    3. #819873


      I wish for the daredevil superbed. Or any superbed. Or if you have none of those, deluxe clothes. (any of them really)

    4. #819811


      Hello, I could really use some psi if you have any extra. My next wish may be difficult to get, so if you can’t grant this one, I don’t blame you. I really need the ‘Snowy Mountain Mine Cart’ and ‘Cat Feet’. If you do not have these items, I understand. I will try to send items that people have requested your way. Thanks so much, friend me: ~coley321

    5. #819434

      i need psf or gold and white cat psi or neo gothic wise dining table and some dining table chairs pillar and wallpaper expanaition for all of it let ya know if you want to know

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