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This topic contains 589 replies, has 41 voices, and was last updated by sweetcupcake16 11 years, 3 months ago.
September 10, 2013 at 4:45 pm #812189
Hi! In honor of the very spectacular signature pets, I decided to create this forum. :D Just list your personality, favorite color/s, favorite foods, hobbies, and your favorite animal/s, and I will tell you which signature series pet I think you resemble the most as soon as possible. Your result may be a regular signature, small signature, or endangered species pet. In case you’re wondering, mine is the signature bernese mountain dog, because it’s personality is similar to mine. ;) Have fun!
March 2, 2014 at 8:28 pm #859110
Hey Atom, why did you get off school today, is it a holiday, end semester, conference, or just a grading period? (or something else?) I don’t think today is a holiday, it is just the day that- the first sky dive was attempted 2002 years ago (1912),yeah nothing really interesting (I have a book I didn’t know that until now) But yesterday was national pancake day. Tomorrow is national pig day (I wish I had a Webkinz pig I could be) OOOH On my half birthday (March 2nd) National banana cream pie day I must have some!!!!! – determined.
March 4, 2014 at 3:14 pm #859357
um I didn’t post that on March 2nd, it was Friday, March 2nd was a Sunday lol.
March 4, 2014 at 3:18 pm #859409
It was just a teacher institute day. Thanks for the facts. I probably won’t be on as much this week. I have an essay due Thursday for English and a Geometry Test for Geometry. Looking forward to spring break only 19 days away!!! TTYSH-Atom
March 5, 2014 at 4:35 pm #859516
LUCKY (not because of the essays, but because you get vacations and spring break ugh homeschooling has some downs, don’t be jealous of homeschoolers )
March 6, 2014 at 11:52 am #859567
At least you get to stay home and not feel freezing, JesusismyLord830.
March 6, 2014 at 11:52 am #859580
Hi JesusismyLord! :D IDK if you watch YT a lot or not, but there is this hilarious comedy channel that a friend of mine showed me on there called ”Blimey Cow”, and we love it( plus, they speak very cleanly. No bad words at all there! ;) ). The people that do it were homeschooled, and are Christians. The videos they did about homeschooling really cracked me up. LOL :lol:
March 7, 2014 at 12:34 pm #859672
cool they sound really funny, I’ll have to check them out some time. Have you guys heard the song called Only Love is Worth the Fight ? (It’s a Christian music song though the title doesn’t clearly state that) I can’t remember who it’s by, but the first time I heard it it reminded me of Wookies for some reason (Wookies are the creature like Chewbacca) icecooler86, you’re right, I am thankful, but I don’t get Spring break unfortunately. would you like to be friends? my user is JesusismyLord.
February 28, 2014 at 11:09 am #858959
Hi does anyone want a Bullfrog PSI? I have an extra. Sweetcupcake, if you or Jesus don’t have enough I will buy it for you and send just tell me if you get it or not. I have 482 but I just started again. JesusismyLord, I might have the pear icecream if not i will see if I can buy it. Is the crystal falls a building kit, if so I might have an extra to send you? The slide just came out so when I get to the mall hopefully I will have enough to get 1 for me and 1 for you but that might take me like a month. And I don’t have anything or could get anything else on either of your lists but I will look. Sweetcupcake, my wishlist right now includes, Candy Corn Witch Hat, Mrs. Santakinz Dress, Santakinz Slippers, holiday stuff, adventure park stuff, stuff along those lines and PSI. I have a Feather Chair extra if you want it? I also have the Starlight Robe but that was like April 2013 so you have that. Have a peaceful day. Sorry for me being busy.-Atom
February 28, 2014 at 1:56 pm #859054
The crystal falls is from a building kit. I think one of the accounts in my family has the candy corn witch hat. (mine or my sister’s) Don’t worry about the slide, I don’t need it that much anymore. I wish I saw Yoshi when I went to Epcot, I would have totally bought him (I miss Disney World SO MUCH I went in 2012 and want to go back SO SO SO BAD) My littlest brother looks at our scrapbook all the time, at the pictures we took inside Bruce(where you can climb in Bruce and stick out of his mouth in the aquarium thingy) and thinks that Bruce actually ate him. I also liked going to the big LEGO store in downtown Disney, I wish I could go back.. :cry: :cry: (as you can tell I wish I was still in Florida, I don’t like it as much here, 2 days ago it was like 30 degrees, in a couple days it will be in the 80′s YAY SWIMMING (I wish) is it really Winter?) I have a brilliant idea, for my half birthday I’ll ask my parents if we can go to Disney World, why would they say no? wish me good luck! gulp
March 2, 2014 at 8:29 pm #859111
I will try and get that for you. I also went to Disney in 2012!! Wow we are in common. What if we went the same week? We went in June, when did you go? I miss Florida too. We are back to below 0, here in Chitown. Good news though, 30′s are coming. You are lucky that you are getting nice toasty weather. It is really winter where I live. We are on record for third snow yest. and set the record for the most sub-zero temperatures. Ha ha! Good luck and I hope it happens. The only reason they would say no would be money. Good luck! -Atom
March 4, 2014 at 3:14 pm #859355
I went to Disney the week of September-11 and we got 8 days at the parks (for an extremely good deal too, especially for a family as large as mine.) Yeah they said no, my mom said “nope sorry I work that day” Lol. Actually today (Monday March 3 ) it is icy and snowy here and on Friday it will be 75 degrees
March 2, 2014 at 8:29 pm #859116
I wish you TONS of it because everyone keeps telling me that Disney World is AWESOME! However, I never went yet. :cry: I watched the Disney World and Disney Land Christmas parades on TV last year, and it was amazing. :D After seeing it, now I really want to go so badly…
March 5, 2014 at 4:35 pm #859515
it IS awesome, and yeah as you can tell I’m not there. :( :lol: I hope you’ll get to go soon. I’m KC+ as well, I’d like to meet you some time. (I bet you’re on when it’s 12 AM where I am though)
March 6, 2014 at 11:52 am #859581
The reason why my family never went is because of money. :( However, I bet I’ll eventually go in the future even if I have to wait. If I ever go, I really want to hug R2D2( gently, because I don’t want to make him scream 8O ) and take pictures with him and all the other characters I like( especially Luke and Leia! ). Also, I’m still looking for your ice cream!!!~Sweetzie
March 7, 2014 at 12:34 pm #859671
Yes I completely understand, airfare and tickets and hotels and all that stuff, we finally got an extremely good deal, at Disney, we didn’t get to see the Star Wars people (there’s a specific time of year for Star Wars stuff), but R2 was on the Star Tours ride, (we went like 8 times lol) and when we went to a restaurant (Pizza Planet, tip- if you happen to go there DO NOT eat the pizza there it isn’t very good) we got R2D2 buckets with the meals they’re so cute.
March 7, 2014 at 12:35 pm #859684
I’m on at 1:00 AM Kinztime. LOL :lol: In my time, that’s 9:00 PM . However, I am sometimes on earlier than that to get rare items, and do activities.
February 28, 2014 at 1:56 pm #859057
Also I’m interested in your bullfrog psi, have anything specific you’d want for it? Do you have a wishlist of any specific PSI or anything else you need?
March 2, 2014 at 8:29 pm #859112
Hey JesusismyLord, what about the Charcoal Cat PSI, and the Clydesdale PSI? I am looking for Mrs. Santakinz Dress, Mrs. Santakinz Spectacles, Candy Corn Witch Hat, Ornate Spa (Chow Chow PSI), and much much more. I am interested in many PSI’s. Which ones do you have for trade? If you would do any of these or have any other cool ones let me know. The chair is really cool, just I have 3.-Atom
March 2, 2014 at 8:31 pm #859121
Okay I didn’t send anything back because I’m waiting for your comment to moderate.
March 2, 2014 at 8:31 pm #859137
I have the Mrs. Santakinz dress! I will send it right now. Probably won’t be on much tonight but you never know. I found Mr. moo (I think he is in at 6:00 kinztime, but it may be different every day) but HE DIDN’T HAVE PERFECT PEAR! I remember one time I saw perfect pear, but decided to get melty mango instead, and now that’s real easy to find! BIG MISTAKE (and perfect pear is the best looking one too WHY DID I DO THAT? ) ahem sending now.
March 4, 2014 at 3:14 pm #859352
I have an idea. If I ever see Mr. Moo in the park again( hopefully soon ), and he has perfect pear, I’ll send it. :) Or maybe I can get one in the Trading Room instead( I have KC+; I can ask for specific items. ) I’ll try, and let you know if I get it or not.
March 2, 2014 at 8:34 pm #859204
ugh so sorry I found candy corn hat and santakinz slippers in trade room but they only wanted Plumpy and psi for them, and only wanted to trade a whole outfit (either candy corn or santakinz) for Plumpy (which I don’t even have) :???: :| I will keep looking, JesusismyLord
March 6, 2014 at 11:52 am #859566
Hey Atom, do you still need the Mrs. Santakinz Spectacles and Candy Corn Witch Hat? I have them.
March 20, 2014 at 10:01 am #860457
Sorry for the very late reply, I had to do my science project. What do you have that you would like to trade? If you still need them, of course. LMK. ~Ice
February 27, 2014 at 5:00 pm #858919
Do any of you happen to have one of these?: Crystal Falls, Nafaria stained glass window, Mr. Moo perfect pear ice cream, goo-goo berry pie, tooth extractor pop, ingredients for tooth extractor pop (minus the pumpkin pop), badger psi, twirly slide from spree, Millie slide (Webkinz Friends) ? If so I will trade you.
February 28, 2014 at 11:09 am #858953
I have goo goo berry pie. :) I don’t have Mr. Moo’s Perfect Pear Ice Cream, though. Only the Candy Cream one. As for the slide, are you getting the gold bath tub? If you are, I’ll buy you the spree slide and send it to you. ;)
February 28, 2014 at 1:56 pm #859055
for the Goo-goo berry pie, I will give you… (Jeopardy theme music) “signing in on Webkinz”……. l love my Webkinz…… today’s announcements….. getting items from storage……………… click here to get a free virus on your computer (no just kidding)……. OKAY in objects I have………… friends of the Earth trophy, Autumn rake wreath, fire log basket, dancing Zingoz, Pisces symbol wall decor FURNITURE- winter cupboard sink, four-way-stop street tile, parking lot street tile, parking street tile, snowball beanbag chair, party mat, classroom carpet flooring, giant Zingoz plushy chair, captain’s quarters flooring, concession stand front counter, concession stand back counter CLOTHING- berry fresh swimsuit top, snow belle dress, face paint, blue bunny top hat, balloon darts zip up hoodie, snowy face stickers, winterfest pajama pants, reindeer sweater, dunce cap, chef shirt, clown wig, jumbo sunglasses FOOD- spicy squash ice cream, (Mr. moo) reindeer candy cane, sugar berry juice, jellybeans pile, jumbleberry juice, Christmas wish candy cane, melty mango ice cream (Mr. moo again) whipped strawberry chocolate (valentine’s day 2014) witch pop (halloween 2012-2013) gummy balloons, pickleberry muffin. By the way I’m also looking for moonberry foods besides the juice.
February 27, 2014 at 10:58 am #858715
Hi JesusismyLord! :D Here are all the dates that don’t work for me. February 28, March 1st, March 2nd, March 12th, I have orthodontist, then I’m going to go shopping after with my mom!!!!!! :D I can’t wait!!!!!! Lego store( and Hallmark; got to look for sock monkey webkinz too :) ) HERE I COME!!! ROFL XD Sorry…I’m a big Lego fan who is trying to collect the movie mini figures( I want the Abraham Lincoln one so much. So far, I have Emmet and Wyldstyle. Time to dig through the bin, and feel the packages for his hat and beard ). Have a sweet day!~Sweetzie
February 27, 2014 at 5:00 pm #858898
I wish I had a close-by Lego store (I have one at a mall that it isn’t necessary to go to just to look at Legos) My sister is really into Legos, especially Lego Friends and Lego Lord of the Rings (I am SO excited to see the Lego movie, we were gonna go today, but my brother has a sore throat, possibly strep .. :cry: ) I only have 2 nearby Hallmarks and only one of them carries webkinz (one of them has a Grumpy Cat endcap, they have the plush by GANZ, but not the one with the tag yet) I do the whole feel for “this character” thing too when it comes to wrapped packages. Ok like I said earlier, March 3rd probably won’t work for me . so this Friday or next don’t work. (tomorrow family over, next Friday (March 8 right? don’t have a nearby calendar sorry. (actually one on the wall behind you lazy :evil:)) grandpa’s birthday) and as you might already know I have church on Sat. Hope we can find a date that works. I REALLY WANT A LEGO R2D2!!!! (wow that came out of nowhere) (quiet, you) Oh apology I talk and type to myself.
February 28, 2014 at 11:09 am #858961
Hi JesusismyLord. I saw that on Amazon! I really want grumpy cat too. What is Lego R2D2, I don’t have legos anymore. The only things I play are my 3DS and Webkinz! HA HA! I have a Hallmark like 20 minutes away but they don’t carry webkinz anymore. The one in my mall closed. They charged $20 so I am not going to buy anymore for there at a Hallmark Branch unless it is recent or signature. I should have shopped around for Atom. I paid $16.90 for him at Hallmark, and when i looked on Amazon $5. Waste of $11 and could have picked something else, however I really love atom so it is all good. -Atom
February 28, 2014 at 1:56 pm #859052
yeah the one in my mall closed as well. If it didn’t I would have had three close-by ones. I don’t know why I bursted something out about getting a LEGO R2D2 (R2D2, the little droid from star wars, there is a video game LEGO str wars and he is probably my favorite character in it) I love getting all the LEGO video games, I can’t wait for a new one to come out this Spring. I love my 3DS, I was just playing Mario Kart 7 trying to unlock all the characters, so far I’ve unlocked Daisy, Rosalina, Shy Guy. At my Mardel, they still carry a couple signatures luckily. I love Atom too he’s so cute, I love frogs. I also understand how you feel about the price thing, it happens to me all the time.
March 2, 2014 at 8:28 pm #859107
Wow! That is another thing we have in common. I think they should make the rainforest frog a plush. It was an e-store pet June 2012. Too bad! I really wanted that one. Here is a key: It is easier when you lie down when you play. Use your mushrooms carefully, and shells. What is your favorite course? Mine is the one with the dinosaurs. Haven’t played that game in a while. Thanks for liking Atom. Aqua is one of my favorites. Did you see my flower frog, Aqua? TTYS JesusismyLord!-Atom
March 4, 2014 at 3:14 pm #859356
Thanks for the tip, I’ll try it, I’ve unlocked Wario finally, working on Metal Mario )I should have unlocked him but it brought up the credits and said I beat the game instead of letting me unlock him) My favorite board is probably the Music Room one. I saw all your pets on your “my page” and they are so cute, you’re really unique with names.
March 6, 2014 at 11:52 am #859585
YES~with the help of my brother, we’ve unlocked every character and are working on all kart customizations.
February 28, 2014 at 11:09 am #858952
Hi JesusismyLord! :D Actually TODAY my mom decided to stop at the mall because she needed to buy something for someone, and she said I could go in the Lego store!!! :mrgreen: I dug through the bin, and I got…*drum roll please*…ABRAHAM LINCOLN AND PANDA GUY!!! YAY!!! :D I’m currently looking for Shakespeare and Mexican Cheese guy. We also went to Hallmark, but they didn’t have the monkey. :( Also, I don’t want to make you jealous, but my Dad bought me the Lego R2D2. I didn’t open it yet( I want to so badly…but my parents didn’t say if I could yet ) I think my parents are saving it for my birthday because it’s coming up in a few months, but IDK. My favorite Lego themes are Architecture, Castle, City, Creator, Super Heroes, Lego Movie( I LOVE the Ice Cream truck set ), Mindstorms( only because it’s so cool, but unfortunately it costs a lot. :( ), Minifigures, Star Wars, and Technic. I don’t know if your sister plays webkinz or not, but does she( or you ) have the Lego Friends outfits for pets that webkinz was promoting several months back? I have tons of extras of both outfits. PLMK Also, I hope your brother gets well soon! Have a sweet and blessed day!~Sweetzie
February 28, 2014 at 1:56 pm #859053
Haha, congratulations, good luck finding the new people. Don’t worry I am a little jealous, but I don’t really care though I would love an R2D2. Yes, my sister plays Webkinz and has both outfits, she actually got into LEGOs after the promotion thing, I hope she still has the outfits. My favorite LEGO themes are Star Wars, Lord of the Rings,(getting my sister the Wizard battle set for her birthday) The Hobbit, DC super heroes, Marvel Super Heroes, and the LEGO Movie (wanna see it so bad) (I like the ones based on movies as you can see.) Thanks, good news, he’s feeling better, bad news he does have strep. I will try to get enough points before I make it to the mall, but I doubt I’ll be able to.
March 2, 2014 at 8:29 pm #859113
I didn’t see the Lego Movie yet either, but I want to. :mrgreen: I’ve been playing Lego since I was about 6 years old, and I still have all of them and I never outgrew them either. LOL
March 2, 2014 at 8:31 pm #859170
Who is/are your favorite super hero/s? My favorite Marvel one is Iron Man, and my favorite DC one is The Flash.
March 4, 2014 at 3:14 pm #859354
Wow hard question, I really like Hawk-eye from Marvel, but I also like Spiderman, Captain America, Hulk, Thor. (I also like Magneto but he is a bad guy) For DC I like Wonder Woman, Superman, Robin, and my favorite villain is either Lex Luthor or The Riddler. Sorry I can never just choose one.
March 2, 2014 at 8:31 pm #859138
by the way Sweetzie, when is your birthday? I wanna make sure I know all of my friends’ birthdays so I can get them a special gift and send them a card.
February 26, 2014 at 9:51 am #858600
WAHOO DONUTS! ;) :) :D :mrgreen: (I’ve been waiting FOREVER (actually only 3-7 days, I can’t remember) 8O :lol: :mrgreen: )
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