Forum Replies Created
If you have more than one pet, you can do more! 3 classes with each pet.
Hi, I know you use these forums a lot, so I decided to tell you on here. When I gift you the fruit punch or any other food, if you don’t mind, please don’t gift me foods back! XD I’m trying to clean out my food dock because I have soooooo much. That sounds funny to say I know, but I have WAY too much from getting several wacky snack packs a day! LOL… Sorry! ;D
~BubbashukaI haven’t been writing a lot, but I used to want to become an author! And thank you!!
@ilovemoonie, Awesome gifts!!! It’s fun to hear what others got for Christmas. :) It didn’t sound like bragging. :) I actually got prismacolor colored pencils, too! I think a 75 pack, and they were from my big brother. :D (He’s in the Army, BTW!) From him I also got a sketching set, (I am not really into sketching much, but I guess I’ll try it! For 2 reasons. For him, and because, well, why not!) a cool detailed coloring book, and 2 awesome-patterned sketch books. (No lines) Also some other of my favorite things I got from Christmas from family are: A Cleveland Cavaliers Basketball T-shirt (I’ve been wanting one for so long and all I could find are V-necks, which I don’t like! And being a huge Cavs fan and all, I really, really wanted one.) A pack of choker necklaces, a candy dispenser with LOTS of M&M’s, a Target gift card, money, an Amazon gift card, (From my best friend- You may know her from here: SpringBreeze!) a candy melting pot, and a big box full of a bunch of candy melts and baking stuff. <3
Aw, thanks @TaffyKitty!! That means a lot. Maybe! I’m writing a story for my family and friends in the real world, and it’s pretty long, so I’m not sure. I would post the story on here, but it’s not related to webkinz and it’s going to be quite long! I might consider it. It’s based off a dream I had. It’s about rescuing a bunch of cats. :D
Rest of the story:
paw safely?” “Yep.” Harry replied to Alicia. Alicia safely shook his paw with her little wing. Then Muffin came down, too. After about a half hour of playing, Harry said: “Want to meet my family? I’ll tell them about you so they don’t think I’m crazy.” “Sure!” The 2 birds replied. So that is the story of how birds and lions became best friends. <3Getting along with your predators and prey: The last part!
Luckily, when Harry pounced, the birds were dry enough to fly away and Crumbs hopped away! (They saw the sweet frog again the next day, but she didn’t stay to get eaten) The 2 bird friends flew up in the air, just out of reach of the hungry lion! “Ha!” Alicia said. “You cannot get us!!” “Oh, you jerks!” Harry shouted out. “You stalled me long enough were you dried off and I couldn’t get you!” “Yep!” Muffin said. “I BET YOU CAN’T GET US!!!” Harry ponced and leaped and shouted angrily, but he couldn’t jump as high as the birds could fly. After about 10 minutes, the lion actually started laughing. “You are so stubborn!” He said. “I am, too. I like that!” “Yeah!” Alicia said. “You sure are!” They actually started talking and laughing. “Are you- you- trying to trick us again?” Muffin asked. “Or can we safely fly down to you?” “I will NOT eat you anymore, okay?” Harry said. “You’re too nice and fun.” “Alicia, you’re more of the daredevil. Can you go down first?” Muffin said. “Fine.” Alicia replied. “So Harry, can I shake yourI love ALL animals, too! I’d get a bunny if Mom let me… But it’s way to costly. :P I’m not doing the Christmas AGSM, because I think it’d be something like copyright to use a bag that has the “Justice’ store logo on it. I made it but I think just for family. I’ll probably do a Christmas slime video though!!
@MyLittlePony2010EG13, Just in case you won’t check, I replied to you on page 136. ;) Sorry it was such a late response! I don’t really go on this part of the forums.
@Indigozap, Sorry! MARSHMELLLEW. Ok. XD Oh gosh… Shots are my worst nightmare! Even finger pricks are horrible! :S Luckily my Mom doesn’t make us get shots. Oh no, I feel horrible you get bullied on WEBKINZ!! That’s just awful!! That’s horrible, have you contacted ganz and told them about the people? They might do something if you took screenshots. Anyway, AWESOME!! PLMK if you post videos! I LOVE BAKING SO MUCHHHHHHHH!!!!!! You just gave me an idea… ;) And by my username on Youtube you probably know I love bunnies! (And horses, and pandas….) I would do unboxings, too! Like, if I get anything supercool for Christmas I’d unbox it in a video. (I don’t know if I’d get toys though, because, VERY SADLY, I’ve outgrown them… ),: ) And stay tuned, because I’m going to be posting a Christmas AGSM! (American girl stop-motion. Do you know what American Girl dolls are? Do you have any?) Nice talking to you! TTYL!
Thanks guys! Hah, I named these when I was really little. XD
Getting along with predators and prey: Part 2.
Alicia, Crumbs, and Muffin glanced to the bushes, feeling like they were being watched. They were right- they were! They stood still, but it was too late. the lion pounced! The birds and frog tried running/flying away, but they were too drenched and tired! “WAIIIIIITTTTT!” Screeched Muffin. The lion got scared and stopped. (Luckily!) “JUST. A. MINUTE. Let me live for ONE MORE MINUTE.” “Uh…” The lion said. “What do you need to say before I eat you?” “What’s your name?” Alicia asked. “Harry.” He replied. “I’m Muffin. This is Alicia, and Crumbs is here.” Alicia told him. “Whatcha like to do, Harry?” Hunt, eat, sleep, play with my kids and wife…..” Harry replied. “Nice!” Muffin said. “I like to play with my friends, hunt and eat worms, and play in birdbaths.” “Really!” Harry said. “We are quite similar with hobbies!” “Yes, we are!” The 2 birds and frog said together. “Would you like to play?” “Oh my gosh,” The lion said, smacking his forehead. “I’m supposed to bring you home to my wife and kids for dinner!” So he pounced before they could even say anything else.Thanks @TaffyKitty12! Oh, duh, I forgot you didn’t. XD Well, She is the antelope from the free deluxe pet! :)
Oh, I think I posted it on here, weird! Anyway, there will be a part 3… Stay tuned… LOL. xD Thank you for letting me know, I guess I should check there!