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Oh, and I almost forgot: I have some suggestions for new baby-pet-traits. First and foremost, I’d like to see a brown body color trait for Orange Tabby babies— it always struck me as odd that those cats can be orange, gray, white, or black, but not brown, especially since brown tabbies are popular pets in real life. I’d also like a black body color trait for the Holland Lop Bunny, since there are lots of pet black rabbits in real life.
I’ve recently been trying to decorate my rooms in Webkinz Next, but it’s VERY hard to find the items I’m looking for, since I have SO many by now. I know a dock-search bar can’t be added to Classic due to the age of the Flash code… but Next doesn’t have that issue, so I’d like to suggest a search bar for the Webkinz Next dock. I’m sure a lot of other players would appreciate this, too! While I’m at it, I also want to once again ask for necklaces made from the Gem Hunt gems. I’m very stubborn.
(continued from my previous post) My fourth suggestion would be to add the newer Next Arcade games (Picnic, Arte’s Adventure, Diner Dice, etc.) to Sparky’s list of possible challenge-games. Right now, only the games which were available at the very beginning of Webkinz Next are able to be randomly selected by Sparky. Additionally, please lower the average point-values of the required high-scores for Goody Gumdrops. That game was changed a while back to award less KinzCash, presumably for balancing reasons, but Sparky’s challenge scores for that game weren’t adjusted. And, finally, I’d love to have a way to pet and/or brush your pets. Maybe add a bathtub minigame like on Classic, or let us just give them petting in general! C’mon, Webkinz pets are adorable, and who HASN’T wanted to pet one? With the 3D art style of Next, it’s the perfect opportunity. Anyway, those are my top suggestions for Next. PS: I’m super excited to see the Next Kinzville Academy! I’ve been checking Webkinz Newz every morning to see if it’s been released!
Hi! I didn’t know Webkinz Newz had a forum, LOL! But now that I know, here are a couple suggestions I’d really love to see in Webkinz Next: First of all, the Gem Hunt gems are beautiful, and since Next added necklaces for pets, I think it would be cool to have craftable gemstone necklaces. Preferably one for each gem, and maybe bracelets too? The necklaces could be crafted with the gem, some string, and some slag. I’m not sure what material a bracelet would be made of, though… Secondly, I would like the ability to rename Webkinz Next rooms. Players can already rename their properties/houses, so why not rooms? Plus, it would make organizing MUCH easier. Third, (this one admittedly might be a lot of coding work), to make Sparking pets a bit less luck-based, perhaps give players a “Trait Dictionary”, which would list info on pet traits, their rarity, and which “base” pet (if any) the trait is exclusive to. To fill this dictionary, players could look at babies in the Baby Showcase, and the traits from the viewed babies would be added to the dictionary. That way, players can think more strategically about which two pets they