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Yeah Webinz should bring them back.
I think Kinzpost should let you send one letter to multiple people at one time I sent Holiday greetings to all my friends except those with full mailboxes and that took a while.
I think Kinzpost should let you send one letter to multiple people at one time I sent Holiday greetigs to all my friends except those with full mailboxes and that took a while.
What’s the tutor option? it sound SO cool!
Hey, it would be cool if in Kinzpost you could click multiple people so you could send ONE message to a limited amount of people at a time. Since not everybody can’t receive gifts, I want to send holiday Kinzpost to all my friends. This would help a lot to celebrate the holidays with my friends.
i love tea!!!!!!!!!!!! my friends dont like it and some of them dont like the smell.
good question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!