Have you been to the Employment Office? Let Tabby be your guide! Check out this video to get the basics on the Employment Office.
Need more information? Don’t miss this interview with Tabby Von Meow or this Help Wanted message from Tabby!
Have any other questions about the Employment Office? Ask the comments below!
I love working as a Kinzpost Sorter. I think Tabby vonMeow should be paying us *something* even if we didn’t perform the job up to her expectations. Is there a lawyer in WW I can contact?
Every so often the mover job freezes and the pieces won’t move- it says “please wait”. Of course you can’t complete this job- you should be able to do another job and it should not be counted as uncompleted.
we could use some new jobs.
I have the application on my iPad and I can’t access or find the employment centre, or the tournament arena, or the curio shop, or the academy and I can’t find any information on how to access those arenas
Those sections are unavailable on the mobile app. You will need to download the desktop app onto a Mac or Windows machine.