How does Webkinz World promote learning?
Webkinz World is a great place to learn and play! Your child can learn lots of fun facts at Quizzy’s. The questions at Quizzy’s are age-appropriate, and most are educationally based.
We also have several arcade games that promote learning:
- Booger Gets an A promotes addition skills
- Lunch Letters helps children to learn how to type and spell
- Quizzy’s Word Challenge aids in spelling
- Operation Gumball encourages children to think logically
Your child can also learn about money in Webkinz World; by earning KinzCash, your child learns how to save and spend money.
Webkinz World also helps to teach children about responsibility, caring for a pet, and getting along with others.
Is the Wishing Well and the Wheel of WOW gambling?
Ganz does not endorse, nor condone gambling. Webkinz World does not contain ANY gambling. Gambling requires that a player put in a wager to play, and hence have the chance to lose that wager. Webkinz members cannot lose KinzCash playing any of our games. There are no wagers involved at all.
While the Wishing Well and Wheel of WOW use visual metaphors that are sometimes associated with gambling, there is no gambling involved. They are merely a method of giving out random prizes to our members. They are our version of giving out a door prize, a thank you just for showing up. As kids love getting free prizes, naturally these features are highly popular on our site. Thus, we limit access to these games to once per day.
We do take concerns of this nature very seriously and welcome suggestions on how to improve our site, including these features.
Why does the Webkinz Studio allow personal information to be entered!
Please note that only you can see what you write in the Webkinz Studio. There is no way for others to see the movies you make with the Studio. When you are visiting a friend in Webkinz World, you cannot use their Studio, and they cannot use yours.
How do we feed the Webkinz Pet?
To feed your child’s Webkinz Pet, just go to the W Shop in the Things to Do menu and visit the “Food” section. You can buy foods by clicking on the food and then clicking ‘Add to Cart.’ When you’ve added all the foods to your cart, click ‘Check Out,’ and ‘Buy Now.’ The foods you’ve purchased will appear in your Dock. Drag the food to the Webkinz Pet’s Dock picture (in the lower left side of your dock) or the Webkinz Pet’s avatar in the room. The Webkinz Pet will ‘eat’ the food and comment. The hunger meter also will go up.
Hello, I’ve come back to webkinz after a while, and I need to change the email address associated with my account, as well as the name the pets use for me. How can I do this?
Hello! I am trying to cancel my deluxe membership and have been unable to find where to do that
Log in to your eStore account, go to Manage Accounts and then click on Active Membership Orders. If you need further assistance, contact
How do I go about canceling my deluxe membership? I’ve checked everywhere it seems, on webkinz and in parent controls. I only wanted it for one month and will be upset if it charges me for another month.
The parents area will not let me allow the account to use Kinz Chat Plus. It does not say you have to be a member to do so, so I am confused. It says it requires Adobe Flash 8…. which no longer exists. How can I get Kinz Chat Plus allowed on the account?
how can I get an extremely old account back that might not even be in your records anymore, but the codes still say they’ve been used?
Codes are not reusable, even if the account no longer exists. Contact for assistance
Where can I check about trading medallions, we exchange some of them. There is no option to select the pet in question. The medallions were subtract and weren’t add to any other pet. Please let me know how this work. Thank you.
My account showed an expiration date of Dec 12, 2020. So, why is it only Dec 11, 2020 and my account has already been changed to a free account? (This happened to my sister too, that her account changed to a free account 1 day before the expiration date that was listed on her pet’s screen). We’re feeling cheated a day. :-(
Is there a way I can change the name associated with my child’s Webkinz account?
I don’t think there is unfortunately. I have the same issue.