Ultimate Collector Items!


When an item is retired, that means it is no longer available unless you can find another player willing to trade it.


Some of the oldest retired items were originally supposed to be “toys” but looked more like clothing, like the Baseball Hat, Figure Skates, Hockey Skates and the Toy Tool Belt. These items could be placed in a room, but weren’t at all interactive. Once pet clothing was added to the world, these “toys” were retired to prevent any confusion.


One of the first clothing items to be retired were the WZ Jeans, which were given out for a special promotion back in 2006.


Now they have earned the distinction of being part of the ultimate Webkinz collector items!



156 Responses to Ultimate Collector Items!

  1. Galaya says:

    hi fellow traders I have lots of stuff to trade like wz deluxe clothing pieces scuba and TONS of old clothing like from 2005 I have TONS more than this list! if u r interested plz add spokanegirl7 I would love the lily pad dress witch hat or any pink explorer! etc plz add me or post a comment thx!

  2. lapaquita says:

    If anyone has the hockey skates, figure skates or baseball hat PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT TO TRADE!!! I really need the hockey skates to finish my hockey themed room. Also need the GOALIE MASK SHELF,
    HELMET LAMP, SCOREBOARD TELEVISION to finish room; I have everything else.

  3. CheekyCat says:

    Bring these items back Ganz! So everyone can enjoy them! It’s not fair to retire items that people who weren’t on webkinz could never get easily. Just bring them to the Wshop/KinzStyle outlet. But make them like they used to not eStore replicas please. Anyone think this is a good idea? (Hopeful answer: YES.) CheekyCat

  4. beatitkid says:

    If anyone has the figure skates, please trade with me in the trading room. Also, friend me on webkinz.I’m beatitkid.

  5. mommyoftwins says:

    Cool, I would like the WZ jeans… My username is mommystwins… I can trade a superhero, psi or rare item. GANZ, I know collectors wouldn’t want to see these particular items given out so as not to ruin their value, but wanted to say that I would love to see RETRO items given out as prizes on wheels, deluxe days, challenges, magic forest, etc…

  6. webkinzrockz131 says:

    Dose anyone know how to get a zumbuddie for your pet?

    • Webkinz_Love122 says:

      You can buy Zum Buddies usually at places Webkinz are sold. You can also find them in the eStore. Once you get the pet, go to the code shop, unlock it, and have fun. If your question was pointed towards the Zum following your pet in your room, look at the top right (I believe) of your screen and you should see the outline of a Zum. Click it and attach the Zum to your pet. Have a good day (:

      • JaneOfAllTrades says:

        Just to let you know, you can’t name you ZB. It comes with a name. I wanted to name mine but then figured out it came with a name. I got Zane.

  7. Priceless says:

    These are Priceless! ~Priceless~ I remember when someone was giving out FREE WZ JEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. cowtown says:

    i hope you can bring these items back, cause you will never get these items in trades, it is cool you showed them to us cause i have never seen them except the jeans thanks to the supermodel game, i think you can bring back retired items sometimes cause that would be great for everyone to have them, and cause it is hard to keep all these items that are retired so often, cause it does take more room to keep many items maybe find away to have like the storage items hold like 16 items or so that would really help, and the food items to cause if you collect retired food than you have coolers all over the place, have a great time everyone on webkinz.

  9. bratzdoll8 says:

    I have one of each for trade

  10. tiny1955 says:

    tinygma here I really could use the pants. In the tradeing room I will be BUTTERFLY BUMBLE if you want to trade . THANKS !!

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