Webkinz Tips and Tricks: The Curio Shop!

There are many tips and tricks that players should know that will help them get the most out of Webkinz World, and in this series we’ll reveal them!


The Curio Shop is famous for Arte’s rare items. These are special finds that only appear once each day, and after they appear, you may not be able to buy them again for a very long time!


Only Arte knows when he’ll have a rare item in stock. If you are a special customer, you can ask him what time he’ll have a rare item. But how do you become a special customer?


Here’s how:


  • Visit the Curio Shop every day

  • Buy something from the Curio Shop as often as possible

  • Use the tip jar! The more you tip him, the faster Arte will remember you


Do all of these things every day for a few weeks and you’ll soon be a Curio Shop insider! You’ll know that you’re making progress when Arte starts to greet you differently each time you visit.


Just remember to save up lots of KinzCash– rare items can be quite expensive!


What other areas in Webkinz World would you like to learn about in our tips and tricks segment? Let us know in the comments below!



132 Responses to Webkinz Tips and Tricks: The Curio Shop!

  1. pickle01 says:

    On the Daily Activities, the sidebars say take the quiz at the Webkinz newz, but whenever I look, I can’t find it. Does anyone know where to find the weekly survey???!!! Thanks!

    • Twistersmom says:

      pickle01 in webkinz world go to the newzpaper on the right side there is a small colume above things to do tab. Click on contact us. Then on the next page there is a tab that has comments and suggestions click on this. Then on the next page that comes up to the right is the survey. Hope this helps. :D

  2. 7402 says:

    i give a tip every day and i shop then mine i am always greeted and treated the same SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. heyheyhi says:

    The Adventure park! I have been on Webkinz for 9 years and I have only gotten 1 quest. That is a little bit sad, anyone agree?

  4. minniemousej2448 says:

    I want to know about all the places! This will be awesome!

  5. Lilly65714 says:

    WOW.Never knew that!

  6. inspironone says:

    Go to (Webkinzinsider.com rare items) and it will tell you the rare items for the day. :)

  7. inspironone says:

    Wish Factory

  8. a5t says:

    Ok. I fixed the Raziel plush thing and now it is doing it in a different room with a box of chocolates!

  9. heidivike says:

    be patient. even doing that tips, and purchases,takes awhile. there are 5 different levels of what Arte says…it is worth it.

  10. natalie13 says:

    How about some NEW GanzWorld Rewards? Please

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