Fan Mail Archive


Welcome to the Fan Mail with Fiona archive page! Fiona is the KinzPost Courier and LOVES answering real questions sent in by Webkinz fans. Missed a Fiona post? Click the links below to read past articles!


Fan Mail with Fiona #1


Fan Mail with Fiona #2


Fan Mail with Fiona #3


Fan Mail with Fiona #4


Fan Mail with Fiona #5


Fan Mail with Fiona #6


Fan Mail with Fiona #7


Fan Mail with Fiona #8


Fan Mail with Fiona #9


Fan Mail with Fiona #10


Fan Mail with Fiona #11


Fan Mail with Fiona #12


Fan Mail with Fiona #13


Fan Mail with Fiona #14


Fan Mail with Fiona #15


Fan Mail with Fiona #16


Fan Mail with Fiona #17


Fan Mail with Fiona #18


Fan Mail with Fiona #19


Fan Mail with Fiona #20


Fan Mail with Fiona #21


Fan Mail with Fiona #22


Fan Mail with Fiona #23


Fan Mail with Fiona #24 (Webkinz X Edition)


Fan Mail with Fiona #25


Fan Mail with Fiona #26


 Fan Mail with Fiona #27


Fan Mail with Fiona #28



144 Responses to Fan Mail Archive

  1. cutiegirl9113 says:

    I’m with ilovewebkinz708 If you wanna friend me on webkinz this is my user : cutiegirl3119

  2. imarockstar22 says:

    Dear Fiona, Do you think the owners of webkinz will make a Chinese Crested plush I’m hoping they will

  3. peaceandlove5776 says:

    Dear Fiona, I want to know were I can find webkinz cloths in stores. p.s target does not have webkinz anymore. :(

  4. sparklebluestar says:

    Fiona- When I make comments on Webkinz News, I never say anything rude or mean. But they never show up! Is there a way to notify me of replies? Because when I go back to the article where I commented, I can never find MY comment! Help! -sparklebluestar

  5. lexi5338 says:

    I love Fiona Feathers!!!!

  6. SueTay says:

    I love Webkinz. Usually I have been able to resolve my problems with the program with your help. NOW, I have lost all of my fresh fruit and vegetables grown in the garden that were in my dock. Also my sushi. I was saving them to spend for the Home For Christmas furniture. What I have accumulated was over 3,000 kinzcash. Please restore. I have not given either password nor any information to anyone..only you all. It was like a thief in the night that came and wiped me out and started me at zero……Please help!

  7. animalGal814 says:

    Dear Fiona, are more webkinz signutres being made

  8. concreter says:

    Okay,this is soooo off topic but:Do any of you guys miss Debbie Dragon?I sure do.. :(

    • lexi5338 says:

      YESSSS! Members can’t even see her and they’re well… MEMBERS!! It just takes you to the island. :( I took a break from Webkinz and when I logged back on to take a vacation she was gone!! And it said that Vacation Island was for members. I was heartbroken. :(

  9. natalie13 says:

    Fiona When will we get NEW Webkinznewz REWARDS prizes ?

  10. 2002louise says:

    Fiona – I now it sounds really nerdy, but when I grow up, I want to be a writer. Can you try to convince the creators of Webkinz to make a Story Maker, kinda like the Movie Maker?

    • lexi5338 says:

      That would be cool!! I think there is already something like that in the my profile page! I haven’t been there in a while! You can only pick certain options for your story though. It’s pretty much like fill in the blanks. :) I could totally see Webkinz, in the future, making a story maker that’s like the movie Studio.

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