Welcome to the Fan Mail with Fiona archive page! Fiona is the KinzPost Courier and LOVES answering real questions sent in by Webkinz fans. Missed a Fiona post? Click the links below to read past articles!
Fan Mail with Fiona #24 (Webkinz X Edition)
I’m with ilovewebkinz708 If you wanna friend me on webkinz this is my user : cutiegirl3119
Dear Fiona, Do you think the owners of webkinz will make a Chinese Crested plush I’m hoping they will
Dear Fiona, I want to know were I can find webkinz cloths in stores. p.s target does not have webkinz anymore. :(
Fiona- When I make comments on Webkinz News, I never say anything rude or mean. But they never show up! Is there a way to notify me of replies? Because when I go back to the article where I commented, I can never find MY comment! Help! -sparklebluestar
I know! Same for me
I love Fiona Feathers!!!!
I love Webkinz. Usually I have been able to resolve my problems with the program with your help. NOW, I have lost all of my fresh fruit and vegetables grown in the garden that were in my dock. Also my sushi. I was saving them to spend for the Home For Christmas furniture. What I have accumulated was over 3,000 kinzcash. Please restore. I have not given either password nor any information to anyone..only you all. It was like a thief in the night that came and wiped me out and started me at zero……Please help!
This was due to a glitch that occurred with our most recent release. If you could please email Customer Support at webkinzsupport@ganz.com and explain your loss in detail, they can help you out.
Dear Fiona, are more webkinz signutres being made
I’m going to jump in for Fiona here and let you know that unfortunately no more Signatures will be made.
Okay,this is soooo off topic but:Do any of you guys miss Debbie Dragon?I sure do.. :(
YESSSS! Members can’t even see her and they’re well… MEMBERS!! It just takes you to the island. :( I took a break from Webkinz and when I logged back on to take a vacation she was gone!! And it said that Vacation Island was for members. I was heartbroken. :(
Fiona When will we get NEW Webkinznewz REWARDS prizes ?
Fiona – I now it sounds really nerdy, but when I grow up, I want to be a writer. Can you try to convince the creators of Webkinz to make a Story Maker, kinda like the Movie Maker?
That would be cool!! I think there is already something like that in the my profile page! I haven’t been there in a while! You can only pick certain options for your story though. It’s pretty much like fill in the blanks. :) I could totally see Webkinz, in the future, making a story maker that’s like the movie Studio.