Cuckoo Cat Clock

Home Forums Questions – Archives Cuckoo Cat Clock

This topic contains 260 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  dogfish 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #790814


    Hello, I was wondering if someone had a retired exclusive cuckoo cat clock that they are willing to trade with me. It unfortunately retired 3 days before I joined the site and I never got a chance to get it. If anyone is willing to trade my username is frogsandfly. Maybe we can work something out. I might have some other rares and I do have some duplicate Holiday Items. Thank you for your time. I hope your days in Webkinz World are wonderful. I will send you something you want in return hopefully if I have it. I also might have a couple PSI in my dock. I will see what I can do. Thanks again, Atomton

    1. #823577


      Hi DF, I guess we both experienced some gliches on Saturday! Anyways, thanks for sending the thankyou letters! I sent the pieces as usual, anything else I can do to help? I am making a farm theme from the Curio Shop before that gets retired! I was going to ask you advice on my Superfan theme but I couldn’t because of the glitch! :( Are there additional pieces to the theme because my room is so empty! If you could help me decorate and design that would be awesome! I have like 120 rooms, probably a bit less, and like 75% are empty! See you later in WW-Atom

      • #823658


        Hi atom, my post to jami and her reply were not about you in any way. We were chatting about another forum and not you. Sorry if you misunderstood and got upset. I only send gifts to people I like, trust me. DF

    2. #823560


      Thank you for sending the cottage and the other gifts. I was able to send them to cuddly. Lamb, sent me the autaum toque and said on his/her forum that she was gifting as nothing was needed off my trade list. Well I am going off to thank lamb! Have a nice day! Also, do you like the presents I have been sending you lately? I hope they can be used! Oh and on Halloween there is a chance to spin the superwheel! The prizes are really good this year too. I hope I get a neo gothic dining chair or that rare knight from the Princess theme! If you don’t mind me asking, if you come across any items from rare themes could you please send. Items such as wall paper/ flooring would be greatly appreciated. Also I am beginning to make a gem room however I need a bit of decorating help. Could I invite you over again? Have a nice day.-Atom

    3. #822588


      Thank you bbb for posting!! I do need the sparkle plant and feather chair. I already got the clocks I need from Wonderful Dogfish!! I also got the YingYang already, but thanks! I also have the other thing you mentioned. I will friend you at ktt80! HTSYOWW-Atom DF, if you have these and are willing to send please do! bbb, could you please reply if it is your WW user. -Atom

      • #823129


        I DF and Jami, I am so sorry if I am overwhelming you! I am not trying to be greedy! I try to help others! I send jesusismylord a pixie dust pouch because he needed it and I had extra! Well I know you are busy making cabins but could you please send me one more or send one to my friend Gold? (cuddly106). Her deluxe membership expired about a month ago, and before that she used to send me deluxe items. I told on Username history that I would try and get one for her! If you could send that will be great!-Atom

    4. #822593


      DF, I used everything that you sent me. I have one question though, since I didn’t have room to put the second cottage in my first room, I made a second outdoor halloween room right next to it. Right now I have the cottage, and 2 green ooze puddles in it. What else could I put in it? If you could help my with names, or send other cool things that would be great!! -Atom

      • #822830


        Hi atom if I may make a suggestion, I will make a yard and then invite you over to see what you can do with the two houses and graves. You should be able to fit all in one yard with no problem. It should all look very good together. LMK if you want to do this, DF

        • #823178


          Hi DF, I think that is a great idea! The reason not everything fits is I have all of the colored maple trees in that room! That takes up the sides with a couple graves! Also the cottage and bat cave take up a side. I put the hammock and car in the middle. In that room I also have 2 golden apple trees! Thank you for all of the help, also is it the stone pillar from the W-shop? How many do I need, I think they are like 780 KC apiece? That can become 7,800 if I need like 15! Also I will continue to send the kit stuff, is that making you overwhelmed? I am sorry if it is me! I don’t want to be greedy! Do you like the vampire costume stuff I sent you? I didn’t want to dress my pet as a zombie. Maybe it would look nice on a Zombie Dog! Did you buy that E-store pet? DF, could you please look at my page in WW and comment? I would love it if you stopped by! Have a nice day-Atom

    5. #822127


      Hi DF, thank you for sending the presents. If you don’t mind me asking, where did you get the other halloween items? I didn’t see them in the W-shop/Wish Factory! Anyways I just bought 200 KC, Flying Chair, and a heart topiary with my moneyz! I wish I could send all the parts I get here to your accout throught KP! I have been clicking on it every day for moneyz!! They sure accumulate…Well I will continue to send. If I can give to others I will try! I hope it will help build nice cottages for yourself and others!! Thanks for my 2 cottages and many other items. I am in big debt to you!! Is there any thing I could get you, or help you get so you can help others? Click Atomton and view my forums please!! I enjoy talking to you in Cyber Space. I will see you in WW soon!!-Atom

      • #822583


        Hi atom, I think the other two were Halloween pet PSIs. I love mixing and matching other pets PSIs in room, some seem to be made for just that. I don’t need a thing, thanks for asking. TTYL DF

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