Cuckoo Cat Clock

Home Forums Questions – Archives Cuckoo Cat Clock

This topic contains 260 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  dogfish 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #790814


    Hello, I was wondering if someone had a retired exclusive cuckoo cat clock that they are willing to trade with me. It unfortunately retired 3 days before I joined the site and I never got a chance to get it. If anyone is willing to trade my username is frogsandfly. Maybe we can work something out. I might have some other rares and I do have some duplicate Holiday Items. Thank you for your time. I hope your days in Webkinz World are wonderful. I will send you something you want in return hopefully if I have it. I also might have a couple PSI in my dock. I will see what I can do. Thanks again, Atomton

    1. #827372


      DF, is it ok if I keep the second fountain? I am sorry but you don’t have to look for another surprise for that! I mean I love the gifts you send and am very thankful for them. Sorry for my greed and rudeness.-Atom

    2. #827292


      Hi DF, would you like me to send the fountain back? I mean I like it, but I traded my Signature Antique Lampost for it and got one from Lamb. I kind of feel a bit bad about the trade, and have no idea what to do? What would you do?-Thankful but confused Atom

      • #827351


        Oh wow, I didn’t know Lamb was trading that fountain to you. If you can’t use it or want to exchange it , I can do that. LMK what other kind of item you would like. Maybe a zip line, or a roller coaster? NP If you want to gift it that would be fine with me to, maybe to Gold. DF

    3. #827287


      Oh, DF it is great that you can send my friend deluxe items! I feel bad now though because I traded my Signature Antique Lampost for the Rainbow Fountain. I like it but now since you sent it, i feel like I should’ve waited. What should I do? I didn’t really care for the Lampost, is there anything you can send for it? I am sorry and thank you for everything!-Atom

    4. #827280


      Thank you for telling me. Can I thank her here? -Atom

      • #827332


        yes, she scans, just like me, but seldom posts any more. I will be happy to help with gold’s room, I left a post there, so you don’t have to send, after I send to you. LOL I have not bought a Christmas account yes, but will soon, I’ll send you some xmas stuff when I get it. It will be stocked with all the Holiday items past and present. TTYL DF

    5. #827171


      Hi, I think I read in a forum some where DF, that you buy the Holiday Items in bulk. If you have any inside items for Christmas that would be great. I really don’t care which ones! Everything that you saw in the room with the Christmas stuff, I had traded 3 exclusives or rares for. I of course don’t have a lot, and would like a Cherry Christmas room or to fill 2 rooms because I don’t want to waste free items from Challenges. I am sorry for asking for to much! This forum is like turning into Atomtons A Million Page Wishlist, LOL in a very bad way! Peace-Atom

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