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Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Donations Center

This topic contains 121 replies, has 36 voices, and was last updated by  Madukayil 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #825620


    Hello! I think it’d be cool if we had a place to give items we might not want to those who might need them. So, anyone who has stuff to give away, please make a little list here. If this goes through, I’ll make a list of the stuff I have (but its kinda small at the moment). Thanks for stopping by! –Maddie :)

    1. #830462


      Hey Narnian do you think I could possibly have your yellow plasma ball. I have sent you a friend request and I would be so Grateful!!!

    2. #830073


      Hey CTT! Thanks so much for the fall prizes! I really love them, and they go great in my fall room. Thanks again!!! –Maddie :)

    3. #829915


      Hi Maddie! I hope you are doing well. What a great forum you started:) I wanted to let you know I got a package from you yesterday that had some headbands in it. I wanted to check and make sure you did not mean to send it to someone else on this page. JLMK and I can send them back to you or to whoever you wanted to have them, ok? Thanks crissy135

    4. #829905

      Chilllily, If you still have the heart chair, i would like it! Thanks!

    5. #829895

      User EmiliaGG do you still have the hay bales starting a horse yard

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