Gem lamps needed!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Gem lamps needed!

This topic contains 79 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  MOOON QUEEEEN 11 years, 10 months ago.

  • Author
  • #712732

    Hi im doodlebear954! i am looking for gemlamps from WKN. i collect the lamps and i need as many lamps as possibe! Any kind! even if i have it! i need a bunch! plz post and PLMK if you have any! thanks!

    1. #725224

      moon queen, could you be my assistant? (in case i am not on and somebody wants something) Please, i would really appriciate it! PLMK! Cutieace, i indeed would like your lamps! Do you need anything for em’, or are they free? PLMK! ~doodlebear954~

      • #725950

        Of course! That sounds fun! And sorry I haven’t been on in a while, I’ve been having computer problems lately. Anyway, I would love to help out! Thanks! Love and Sparkles, MOOON QUEEEEN

    2. #722044

      I need some Alexandrite lamps and I have a Brown Arabian psi and pom pom kitty psi to trade for some Alexandrite lamps.

      • #725341

        Hey Peachy. I can send you some Alexandrite lamps for the Brown Arabian PSI. How many do you need and what is your UN?

    3. #721450


      Hey doodelbear. What are slips? Everyone has been trading for the on forums but I never knew what they were! LOL! -birdseye-

      • #721719

        Hi! Slips are purple sparkly shoes, which are called Nafaria’s Purple Slippers in your dock.You can only get them from Webkinz Newz during a Nafaria event (or by trading for them, of course). Love and Sparkles, MOOON QUEEEEN

    4. #721428


      DARIAN :D Haven’t seen you in awhile! Is there anything you’re looking for?

    5. #720576


      Hi, I have extras of the amethyst, garnet, and rose zircon lamps. Do you happen to need any of these? My ww ID is Cutieace.

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