Let’s Make a Deal

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This topic contains 547 replies, has 131 voices, and was last updated by  pkrc2319 9 months, 2 weeks ago.

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  • #858309

    Key Master
    1. #2025859


      uh… thats weird! I don’t know what happened to my comment. Must have not gone through. :P Anyway, I am running low on kinzcash, and I am also running low on food. if anyone is willing to send me some farm fresh food, and maybe some recipe food for a day, I will be willing to send a cloud adventure dress, a goo goo berry portrait, or a pink diving bell helmet and flippers. (together) thank you to anyone that is up for this offer. my UN is pompom323.

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      • #2026347

        Is your un also rymoo? I can send you some things tomorrow since I sent you something today. I can send you kinzcash coins and food items in the next few days. I don’t mind helping you out since I have like 100,000 kinzcash and I joined webkinz just half a year ago. :)

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        • #2026349

          Nothing needed in return. Happy to help a friend out. :)

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        • #2026623


          thank you so much, unicornluv! you sure you don’t want anything in return? I just sent you a hat that I thought it was from spree… is it? sorry if it is not. I have not played spree in a while, but that was in my dock. it looked like it. once again thank you so much! that is so nice of you. I have been using the UN rymoo because it is my brothers account that he doesn’t use anymore. XD -pompoms

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          • #2026671

            No problem pompoms! And yes, I’m sure I don’t need anything in return. I sent you a FR to pompom323 so I could send things faster to your account. :) UL

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      • #2026859


        Hi pompom323, I remember when I first started playing being broke all the time. I’m sending you a FR from animalmomkls. I will send you some coins and food. Glad to help. Your friend, animalmomkls : )

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    2. #2025857


      hi all! I am kinda running low on kinzcash, and I am also running low on food. if someone will send me some meat, (like some hotdogs or a hamburger,) I would be happy to send them back either a cloud dress, a goo goo berry portrait, or a diving bell helmet and flippers. anyone up? my username is pompom323, if you want to send. thank you! -pompoms

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      • #2026689


        @pompom323, Hi, if you send me a FR mangomonkey23, I will send you KC. I have an item I use for KC, so feel free to sell what I send. I seldom feed my pets, and they are just fine. I have about 550 pets on my main acct and there is no way I could keep them all full, I don’t have that kind of spare time. If you would like to have some dispenser foods, FR my main clo91. I never need anything sent back and TBH prefer nothing sent to my already crazy full docks. DF

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        • #2026969


          thanks so much, guys! you are really nice. I will be sure to exept your friend requests soon, have a great day! -pompoms :)

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          • #2029005


            @mangomonkey23 , thank you so much! those movie screens you sent me were worth 20,000 dollars!!!!!!!! thank you all so much for being so nice to me in my hard times. thanks to you guys, my webkinz finally have money and food. thank you!! <3 <3 -pompoms

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            • #2029049


              No problem Pompom. the movie screens are the best way to add KC to your account. I keep them just for that use. I doubt I ever used them in a room LOL. If you want some extra food FR my main, clo91. I have all food dispensers and don’t mind sending out the foods. DF

      • #2199457


        In the bottom row of the “Thinks to Do” popup, you can go to the Free Prizes icon. If ads are turned on, you can click on either the present (physical prizes, mostly clothes, but a few other things) OR on Kinzcash coin–and you can earn 200 kinzcash per video for watching up to 10 videos (basically ads/trailers for new kids movies, books, toys, video games, etc.). Most run 15-45 seconds, so it’s less than 10 minutes for all 10, and that’s 2000 a day that you can earn. Its a simple way to generate a useful bit of cash when starting out. Good luck!!

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    3. #2017193


      Looking for 2 piles of persian pillows, will trade for the cake superbed

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      • #2018695


        nvm i traded for them

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      • #2025861


        hi all!! I don’t know were my comments are going. :P so I am running low on kinzcash, and without kinzcash, I can’t buy food. so if anyone on this forum is willing to send me some farm fresh food and recipe food, I will send either a cloud adventure dress, a goo goo berry portrait, or some pink diving bell flippers and a pink diving bell helmet. (together) thank you, guys!! my UN is pompom323. have a nice day! -pompoms

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    4. #2014637


      Hi All…after eating about a village’s worth of Goo Goo berries {even cleared out the storage from prior years} I was unable to win any of the Sour Goo Goo Berry seeds :( I have been playing since 2007 and have some rare or retired items am willing to trade. Also received the Crazy Crowd Sound Effect Machine on the Super Wheel which I’ve never seen before and am guessing is uncommon. Let’s Deal please!!! Username: Lammie39

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      • #2018683


        Pokemom – you may want to try the “I Need This Item” thread. Someone else asked for seeds and was willing to trade something and there seems to be some response there now. I hope that helps :)

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        • #2019211


          Thank you for letting me know, you are the best!!! I will go try :D Have a great day!!

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      • #2019241


        @pokemom, I sent you a FR but sent it to pokemom,lol Can you friend me? discovermoon. I can send the seeds and need nothing but a note back, just to know you got them. Happy to help, DF

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        • #2019367


          Greetings Awesome dogfish!! Through the magic of Webkinz, your FR to Pokemom made it to my account. {my Username is Lammie39 in case you were wondering.} I was absolutely thrilled and delighted to receive the seeds. You are extremely generous, and I certainly wish there was just a little something you were hoping for in return. I get that it feels extremely good to ‘pay it forward’ and just put positivity out there in the universe, so I will say Thank you a million times over, and I truly hope someone does something amazing for you soon! If there’s anything I can ever do for you, please give a holler! See you in Webkinz World, Pokemom, aka lammie39 :D

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          • #2019655


            @pokemom, your comment was too funny. I’m a not old but “pro” here. I found your user and FR your acct. Patience is not my best quality LOL I’m always in a hurry to get things done. I’m always happy to share with other players. LMK if I can help any time. I hoard like crazy and often have that pesky item others can’t find. Have a good one, DF

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            • #2019793


              @dogfish, a self-proclaimed hoarder who likes to get things done? I’m glad we’re friends! :D

    5. #2009403


      I have some w-shop coupons, i’d like to trade for the painted glass fridge and stove. I have 5 10% 3 20% 3 25% 2 30% and 2 40%. add me if you want to trade ilovepinkhair

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      • #2009625


        Hi PinkFlame – I’ d be happy to make that trade with you. Expect a Friend Request from alphacat and I’ll send the stove and fridge when you accept. :-)

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        • #2009707


          @Alphawlbear :D I accepted your friend request. I sent some of the coupons i’ll take me a few times to send all of them. Thank You <3

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          • #2009769


            Hi PinkFlame – You are so sweet to offer more coupons but the three you sent me are just fine. :-) I am a long time player so I do have a stockpile of Kinzcash. I keep one account Deluxe and I’m always happy to help buy deluxe things from the Wshop. JLMK alphacat

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